The Elite 4


The Elite four was a hacking group formed in January 2007. Their biggest operation, the "Urteil Tage" (which when directly translated from German means "Judgment Day"), is said to still be on going to day. It is because the government fears what this operation could be that they have attempted to capture the Elite Four twice before. They once raided a house in Switzerland, and then again in Japan, both times they hit nothing.

About their operations

Their first operation was in fact "Urteil Tage" but it is still under construction.
In the mean time they executed two other operations. the first was very simple it was called "Augen weit" (or "far sight") which was as simple as getting into the "Warner Bros" system and stealing a copy of "I am Legend" before it was released. This act was not seen as serious because the copy was not put up on any illegal internet downloading sights, however it caught the attention of the CIA.
The second operation was much more serious. It was called operation "Radiergummi" (or "eraser"). In this operation they hacked
into the CIA mainframe and erased all information that the CIA possessed on their case.

After every operation they left behind their sign (which as never been seen by the public) and the name of the operation.
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