The Dark Lord Bert

The Dark Lord Bert is a gamelit fantasy novel written by Chris Fox and published on February 18, 2019. It is the first book in The Dark Lord Bert series and tells the story of a 1 hit point goblin who became a dark lord. The novel was inspired by Dungeons and Dragons and became known for its pop culture humor.
The book focuses on two main characters: Bert who is a small critter-like green goblin and Kit who is a gamer role-playing as a mage. Bert and Kit first met as the former tails Kit and her group of adventurers to loot the copper they leave behind. This is done by Bert in the hopes of earning enough to buy a warg.
John Almond from Gonevis had a more mixed review, saying, "Fox keeps the humor kind of simple and digestible. This book isn't here for social satire or high-concept humor, but to capture the kind of jokes you hear around a gaming table. I think there's worse out there, there's better out there, and this is the safe bet it was designed to be."
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