The Bench (2007 film)

The Bench is a 2007 short film written by James Marks and directed by Alex McCormack. It was made by film students of the Northern Film School in 2006, post-production finished in 2007.
The film is told through the personality of a typical park bench, the Bench narrates retrospectively at his life and the people that has come and gone in his lifetime. Not having the senses that human beings deem normal he lives with his surroundings, in a bubble of feel. Only being able to sense we view this characters life through the warmth of touch, vibration of laughter and the uncertainty of emotion.
The film begins with a Tramp lying on a park bench, a narration begins to speak in the first person perspective. As the tramp moves away, the narration still remains with the Bench.
The Bench begins reflecting on his youth as a newly fitted bench. The energetic characters that come by and sit on him; a man exercising through the park, children playing chase around him, a young couple kissing, a perverted old man staring at young women at the bus stop.
This new sense of life is illustrated by a personal connection the Bench has with a neighbouring bluebird called 'Kevin'. Kevin starts his own little family. The most striking of his offspring is a vibrant yellow bird. After the chicks learn to fly and leave the nest, the mother too leaves Kevin. The Bench shows empathy towards Kevin's loneliness.
'Night' people as they called, the hooligans, the drunken tramps come and deface and abuse the bench. The bench finds some ways of getting revenge (E.g. A drunk tries to get a bottle cap off by hitting it against the Bench, the cap comes off and hits him in the face.)
The vandalism gets the better of the Bench and he is worn down. He realises now that people don't want to be near him anymore. At the same time, he discovers that Kevin too has perished and he begins to understand that this is the way of things.
The Bench is removed piece by piece and bundled away in a van. A brand new bench has now replace it, the vibrant yellow bird returns to the tree and so on; the cycle of life continues.
The film was shot within a studio against blue screen, later a computer generated world was added that surrounded the bench and the live action characters. Another character that was added was Kevin, a small animated hand drawn bird.
In 2007, the film was screened at the Leeds International Film Festival during a showcase of other work by the Northern Film School. The film is currently still being shown on the BBC Big Screen in Leeds City centre on Millennium Square. Along with this the film has also been screened at the Hyde Park Picture House (Leeds), Dr WU's bar, ITV Local website (Yorkshire - Short Films) and has had consideration for The Royal Television Society Awards.
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