The Arguers

The Arguers was a sucessful imaginary show created by two elementary schoolers who are now in middle school. This show was filmed with imaginary cameras. (They couldn't afford real cameras because the budget was $2.00)The show had 1 sucessful season. The main arguers in the show was two classmates of the creators. This very funny show had over 10 episodes ranging from arguements from subjects like games,and other stupid stuff. The two creators caught all the action. This was not planed it was all just out of the blue. The creators also caught funny moments and other classmates arguring. It was so sad because they wern't alowwed to use real cameras. Rumor has it that they will try to make a new series just like the old series that will include differnt arguers but the same creators. If someone ever finds this article to read please comment whether you would be interested in seing episodes of this groundbreaking series.

Episode Guide
Episode 1: The two classmates battle it out in who won the game of Sorry.
Episode 2: A new arguer come into play when the creators have auditions for the Arguers.
Episode 3: The creators come to a decision for a new show Idiots From Before Time. The arguers battle and argue to see who will get the lead role in the new show.
Episode 4: The arguers argue about whether dog is spelled gdo odg.
The arguers play tag on the playground and don't seem to know how to play the game.
Episode 5-15: Unkown and forgotten but still will be cherished.(and be funny)
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