The Apple Branch

The Apple Branch is a Dianic tradition of Wicca tradition that branched off from the Old Dianic tradition,later renamed McFarland_Dianic, combined with the Faerie Faith of Mark Roberts and the more recent feminist witchcraft started by Zsuzsanna Budapest. The history of the Apple Branch begins with the Dallas Dianics, later named the McFarland Dianic Tradition in 1999, founded by Mark Roberts and Morgan McFarland in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas.
Bendis, the founder of the Apple Branch, came to the Goddess through feminist witchcraft, later became a high priestess of both Old Dianic and Faerie Faith (through Mark Roberts) and combined all three into a working tradition that offers more creative flexibility, as well as feminist spirituality with structure provided in honoring the Beth-Luis Nion Celtic tree Calendar as originally put forth by Robert Graves, in his book The White Goddess This system is based on the Celtic Ogham alphabet, in which each letter corresponds with a lunar month, or a solar season. In the Apple Branch, specific lessons are associated with each lunar month, and students experience personal transformation in connection to each tree/lunar/letter.
The Apple Branch is not limited to women only. The founder's coven does exist as a women only group but that is her choice and is in keeping with her ordination by Z Budapest. However, those who practice this tradition are free to work with any gender as their hearts and the Goddess lead them.
As of May 2009, there are a total of 11 High Priestess (one deceased) within this tradition. The Apple Branch is also being practiced in France as Branche de Pommier in France with five women participating.
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