
Terahash TH/s (not the company) and not to be confused with terahertz.
A Terahash per second, is the rate at which a computer would potentially perform a calculation.
Hash per second, is directly related to the crypto currency(CC) mining world.
When searching for a computer to mine, the most important information,
is the hash rate per second. The higher the rate, the more CC, you will produce.
CPUs, arrays of GPUs and ASICs are rated according to how many different hashes they can compute per second. Analyzing a million different hashes per second is what's called a "mega-hash". (< source http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/11472/what-is-a-megahash-and-how-is-it-used-to-estimate-the-rate-at-which-bitcoins-are)
Terahash is very important in today's conversation, along with Megahash, which has less relevance, because it is slower.
Understanding what this term really means in relation to your future CC mining machines, is crucial in 2015.
As of today when you search Terahash, there is very little information, either too vauge, or too unspecific, to this particular term, and or its current uses. The only people who care about this term are "CC miners".
When someone refers to mining CC's they often think of Bitcoin. But those who do not know, should know that, the algorithms,
that are now being solved with Bitcoin, are far too advanced for most basic computers, that can deal only in Mh/s or Gh/s they might as well move along to a CC with a younger, easier to solve algorithm, like Litecoin, etc., there are hundreds, available now to mine. They will tell you that it is pointless to mine Bitcoin, unless you have an ASICS miner (application-specific integrated circuits) ASICS miners, typically have 15 CPU's that work together, to achieve one goal, which is to complete algorithms at the fastest rate possible. The current leader in CC mining machines, is a company called Spondoolies Tech, based in Israel, employing geniuses, from MIT, and Intel, you name, it they employ the best.
They're current most advanced product, is the SP35 YUKON the most powerful miner in the world, that is commercially available.
Obviously, we only want to know one thing. TH/s? This machine does a whopping 5.5 TH/s and sells for $2,795.00 as of today 1.6.15 .
Terahash per second is a term that directly relates to miners as in dollars per second into your bank account.
what whats your Terahash per second? whats your TH/s? this term will be thrown around loosely for one to determine,
exactly what your capable of making.
Just like when someone asks, you, how much do you make per hour, this term will be 100% equivalent. so whats your th/s?
what? your only doing gh/s? mh/s? wth are you mining? This information, like wage/hour tells us so much about the individuals life, that it has become the new standard lingo, for finding out what a mans worth. Forget whats your portfolio, or wages per hour, those terms no longer mean what they used to. Today, it is all about th/s.
When you punch these numbers into the Hash calculator(linked below) you find that, today, with the current exchange rate, per Month you would have generated 2.07154812 BTC which = $580.36
All of a sudden understanding TH/s in relation to your native income of USD, or JPY, just became, your new line of work. Your retirement plan. You purchased a machine. pushed a button, and made you money, while you slept. mh/s, and gh/s machines, don't do that. They are for children, who like to play on the internet, thinking they're going somewhere, when they really haven't accomplished anything. The only thing that matters is TH/s. lets see why.
At our current rate technological evolution, this is the best we've got. so now that kids are doing MH/s in 10 years all kids will be doing TH/s. Which makes the topic, in this form, and this discussion, more relevant, that any other in history.
So in that same 10 years, those who are mining in TH/s will be then mining in PH/s. Now those of us who were savvy, will see the things, that dreams were made of.
Lets add up what we've got now.
$580/month x 12 months = $6,960
now I've got enough money to buy two more machines,
and perhaps the TH/s has gone up, for a similar price.
so lets split the calculation
1 machine at 5.5 TH/s
+ 2 machines at 6.5 TH/s
1 6.5 TH/s machine operating nonstop per Month would generate 2.44819323 BTC $685.89
$685.89 /month X2 from 6.5TH/s machines = $1,371.78 + $580.00 from the 1 5.5 TH/s machine = $1,951.78
X 12 months = $23,421.36
of course there are power costs involved, and not factored in here, but those numbers would vary, based on your cooling system.
you can see how this TH/s system of calculating money, and computer processes, would exponentially increase ones wealth.
and that is why the health of this topic, as a standalone page is of the utmost importance.
The next reason why this page is necessary, is because when you search TH/s or Terahash on Google today, you get a bunch, of unclear mumbo jumbo, and varied answers that don't make any sense. People need a simple understanding of how this new terminology has a very strong place in our everyday lives, and should be discussed in great length, but isn't, by not enough people. Other pages relating to hashing, don't even attempt to go to depth, to explain, the important information that i have laid out very clearly here.
A money making machine.
In HongKong in a small 2 bedroom apartment, you will find Asia's strongest mine. (*)It is dominated by vertical racks that house hundreds of ASIC chips. Shorthand for application-specific integrated circuits, these chips are custom-built to mine CC's. (< source http://money.cnn.com/gallery/technology/2013/12/17/bitcoin-mine/)
CC is said by many to be one of the single greatest accomplishments, of the 21st century. Forget cancer cures, proper diet, and exercise will cure those. This has so far revolutionized the world as we know it. Its just that nobody really knows it yet.
Unless your an innovator.
Further Terminology
there are many rates.
-kH/s (kilohash per second)
-MH/s (milohash per second)
-GH/s (Gigahash per second)
-TH/s (Terahash per second)
-PH/s (Petahash per second)
-1 kH/s is 1,000 hashes per second (sometimes mistakenly written KH/s).
-1 MH/s is 1,000,000 hashes per second.
-1 GH/s is 1,000,000,000 hashes per second.
-1 TH/s is 1,000,000,000,000 hashes per second.
-1 PH/s is 1,000,000,000,000,000 hashes per second.
(data source, a user at http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/9219/what-is-the-difference-between-kh-s-mh-s-and-gh-s)
What is a hash per second?
A hash function is any function that can be used to map digital data of arbitrary size to digital data of fixed size, with slight differences in input data producing very big differences in output data. The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, hash sums, or simply hashes

(data source wiki - hash function https://en. .org/wiki/Hash_function)
Hash per second mining calculator
This is a very important, and profound device, that will tell you at the current exchange rate, how much CC you would make vs. the USD, if you mined with a machine, having said H/s for said time - 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month.
there are some calculators available which allow you to factor in, and calculate, the electricity, that would be used by said machine, in order to properly, estimate your profits.
A standard H/s calculator - https://alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator - (very useful)
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