
Terracoin (TRC) is a cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin. It uses the SHA-256 hash function as its proof-of-work scheme. Started on 26th october 2012 TerraCoin blockchain generates new block approximately every 2 minutes and retargets the algorithm every 540 blocks. In normal scenario, mining difficulty is thus adjusted approximately every 1080 minutes, i.e. more than 3 times a day and approximately 30 times more often than is the case for Bitcoin.
The limit on the number of Terracoins is 42 million, and more than 10% has already been generated. As of November 2013, the Terracoin market cap of a highly volatile TRC is approximately 0.5 million USD.
TRC mining is not merged with Bitcoin.
Major markets
* Vircurex Cryptocurrency exchange
* BTC-e Cryptocurrency exchange
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