Tello UAV

Tello is a quadrocopter UAV drone sold by the Chinese company Ryze Robotics, which targets the STEM market. The drone was presented in cooperation with DJI in spring 2018. In order to lower costs, the series changed some features from previous products; for example, the motors aren't Brushless DC electric motors and flight height is controlled via a bottom-mounted TOF camera, instead of a GPS receiver. The image processing is supported by an Intel Movidius Myriad processor, which also implements the object detection for the kit including visual markers ('mission pads'). The airtime is limited to 13 minutes, with a takeoff weight of 81 g.
Like other consumer UAVs this drone uses 2,4GHz Wi-Fi to transmit telemetry, control-commands and videostreaming. The official app can control the drone and offers various flight modes. The manufacturer supports the learning on robotics within STEM by a Scratch-IDE. With a offered Software Development Kit and open software libraries, the drone is used in science and research on applications in Computer Vision
The series consists of several models, which differ mostly in software:
* Tello EDU - with black cover, presented 2018-11
* Tello Iron Man - in red color, a merchandising of Iron Man presented 2019-04
* Tello Talent - presented in Asia 08/2020
During the development, the object detection features, customization by makers and integration in experiments had been simplified.
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