TechViz XL

TechViz XL Virtual Reality Software is a driver, developed by TechViz, that displays your 3D CAD models (Catia V5, Siemens NX, Autodesk Revit, Unity and other app), on any type of stereo display system (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Cave), in 1:1 scale.
Acting as a driver to any VR system, TechViz XL enables to experience immersive Virtual Reality with no data conversion : its user can make changes in a native 3D application and visualize them in the virtual environment, in real time.
TechViz XL software enables to
- Navigate inside a project
- Interact with a model
- Immersive experience inside your data
TechViz XL compatibility
TechViz XL is compatible with more than 200 industrial and Virtual Reality applications. It is a universal display solution for virtual reality.
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