
Technosys Research Labs was a New Zealand company producing home computers during the early 1980s. Technosys Research Labs was officially formed in late 1980 / early 1981. The company was later sold and renamed Computer Machinery Ltd, which ran for a brief time building and selling Aamber Pegasus computers before collapsing in late 1981. Total production numbers of the Aamber Pegasus are unknown, but it is thought that less than a hundred units were ever sold.
The name 'Technosys' is a combination of Technology with Gnosis.
Before disappearing, Technosys/Computer Machinery staff were working on a more advance version of the Aamber Pegasus called the Unicorn. The Unicorn was basically a higher-end 6809-based machine with space for a memory manager, in-built 64KB memory, SS-50 bus, and a few other requirements that allowed it to run the "Flex" operating system from SWTPC. The Unicorn never saw production and it is thought that only one prototype was ever made.
Paul Gillingwater, Stewart Holmes and Ernest Halliday were the founders of the company. Stewart Holmes designed the hardware for the Aamber Pegasus while the software was written by Paul Gillingwater, Nigel Keam and Paul Carter.
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