A wiki is a Web page that can be viewed and modified by anybody with a Web brower and access to the Internet. Wikis provide users with both author and editor privileges. Hence, wiki is surprisingly robust, open-ended and collaborative community site.
*How does it work?
Technically, a wiki is a combination of a CGI script and a plain text files that can be used to create a Web pages. It takes is a connection to the Internet and a Web browser. When you click a wiki page's "Edit" link, the scrpt sends the raw text file to your browser in an editiable form which allows you to modify the content in the page. When you press the "Save" button, the modified text will be send back to the wiki server to replace the existing text file with the new version. Wikis are able to incorporate sounds, movies, and pictures,and they are simple tools to create multimedia presentations and simple digital stories. Wikis permit asynchronous communication and group collabration across the Internet. As open system, wikis can extend research or interests far beyond a organizational limits. It could reach any community in the world.
*How possible is it to be implemented in the classroom?
Wikis might be the easiest and the most effective web-based collaboration tool. They simply provides students with direct access to a site's content which is a cumulation of users' contribution, and the accessibility is crucial in studnet group learning or othe collaborative project activities. *Purposes of introducing wiki in the classroom
Wikis are widely known in educational area as a effective knowledge management tool to built a knowledge building classroom. *What is its downsides?