Tayler Mercier

Tayler Mercier is an American model. influencer and playmate who has appeared on 3 Playboy international covers, FHM international and as well as published twice on FHM USA.
Early life and career
Mercier started her career as a test photoshoot at age 20. Later, She joined Miller light girls and had her first publication in American Curves magazine. On January 2011, Mercier became a playboy.com model. In April 2020, She got her first international publication in playboy South Africa and got her first cover released for playboy Africa. Mercier also got published on Playboy Australia cover of June and October 2020. On July, 2020, Mercier got published in FHM USA and on the cover of FHM South Africa. In November, 2020 she got again published on FHM USA.
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