Talesvara Siva temple - I

New article name is Talesvara Siva temple - I
Pradhan NAME:
Talesvara Siva temple - I
Talesvara siva temple is located in 20o latitude, 14’ 62” north. 85o longitude, 50’29” east, with an elevation of 52 feet
Address & Approach:
Talesvara Siva temple-I is situated on the left side of the KedarGouri road leading from the Parasuramesvara temple to the Vaital temple at a distance of 60 mtrs. North-East of Parasuramesvara temple in Old Town, Bhubaneswar. It is 90 mtrs east of Kedargouri temple, 200 mtrs south of Anantavasudeva temple and 50 mtrs.west of Uttaresvara temple. The temple is facing towards east. The presiding deity is a Siva lingam with a circular Yoni pitha inside the sanctum, which is 0.20 mtrs below the chandrasila of the entrance doorway. The present shrine was entirely renovated in the past. The superstructure is non-existent. It is a living temple.
The temple is owned by a single private owner and it is presently look after by Sri Sudarsana Panda and his family members, his lives in Kedar Gouri chowk, Old Town, Bhubaneswar.
Because of the features like the graha architrave, which is carved with eight grahas; pabhaga with three mouldings of khura, kumbha, pata, which have archaic features it is believed that it was established in 8th century A.D.
It is a REKHA DEUL type of temple building but now the super structure has no existence.
It is a living temple that means people use it in worshiping purpose. Its past use Could not be ascertained as it was in ruins until the recent renovation.
Bhauma Kara rule is a historic significance of this temple besides this numerous cultural significance like Sivaratri, Kartika purnima and Sankranti are observed in this temple.
i) Surrounding: The temple is within a compound made of dressed laterite blocks. The compound wall measures 32.00 mtrs in length, 16.60 mtrs in breadth and 2.00398 mtrs in height with an average thickness of 0.30mtrs. While the residential buildings surround the compound wall on the east and south road passes through in the west and north. There is an ancient well made of laterite block in the southeastern corner of the temple at a distance of 6.00 mtrs from the vimana. The face of the well measures 2.60 square mtrs.
ii) Orientation:This temple Faces towards east.
iii) Architectural features (Plan and Elevation): At present, the temple stands on a low square platform measuring 3.50 square mtrs with a height of 0.45 mtrs. On plan, the temple has a vimana, measuring three square mtrs. The sanctum measuring 1.90 square mtrs, which is 0.20mtrs below the present platform. The vimana is triratha on plan as distinguised by a central raha and a pair of kanika pagas on either side of the raha on all the four sides. On elevation, the temple has a renovated bada sealed by stones that measures 5.20mtrs from khura moulding to the half of the gandi. From bottom to the top, the temple has a bada, while the mastaka is absent. On elevation, the bada measuring 2.20 mtrs has three fold division namely pabhaga (0.65mtrs), jangha(1.30mtrs), baranda(0.25mtrs). At the base, the pabhaga has three mouldings comprising khura, kumbha, and pata, which are not a developed one. The remaining part of the reconstructed superstructure measures 3mtrs.
iv) Raha niche & Parsva devata: The raha niche on three sides uniformly measures 0.85mtrs in height, 0.45mtrs in width, and 0.24 mtrs in depth and are occupied by smaller images of the recent times. The most attractive image in the temple is a four armed Aja-ekapada Bhairava in a subsidiary niche (measuring 0.48mtrs in height, 0.2 mtrs in width) in the kanika paga of the northern wall. The deity is holding an arrow (?) in lower left arm and a trident in upper left arm. While his lower right arm is in varada mudra, the upper right arm holds a rosary. The trident is fixed firmly by a diminutive figure at the bottom. The deity is crowned by jatamukuta. A seated male figure in anjali mudra occupies right corner of the niche.
v) Decorative features: The bada of the temple was originally carved richly with chaitya motifs and scroll works. In the pabhaga mouldings, khura is plain, kumbha is relieved with elephants, lions, and scroll works and the pata is decorated with chaitya motifs. The base of the jangha is decorated with a series of elephants and lions. The subsidiary niche is crowned by a khakhara mundi relieved by stylized bho-motif made of two chaitya motifs. In the centre of the chaitya motifs are a female figure in padmasana and a human head in succession. The baranda with a single moulding is relieved by the carvings of scroll works, recess and false perforated windows. Line drawings of the chaitya motifs and scroll work are noticed in the temple stones, which suggest that carvings in the temples are done after the structure is erected.
vi) Door Jamb:The doorjamb measuring 1.80 mtrs in height and 1.15mtrs in width is decorated with scroll works. At the base of the door jamb, there are dvarapala niches enshrining Saivite dvarapalas. The right side niche houses a four armed dvarapala that is wielded with akshyamala, lotus stalk, trident in three hands and upper right arm in varada mudra .The image wears a sacred thread, padma kundala and jatamukuta. The dvarapala is flanked by two male figures, one firmly fixing the shaft of the trident and the other seated in anjali mudra. The left jamb is a recent addition, which is plain. Beyond the dvarapala niche is the river goddess niche that houses Yamuna along with a diminutive female figure399 that holds the shaft of the parasol raised over the head of the river goddess. In the image of Ganga the upper part of the deity is missing. The river goddess pilaster is crowned by ghatapallava on the top. At the lalatabimba Gaja-lakxhmi seated in padmasana and flanked by two elephants on either side standing on full blown lotus. Her right arm holds a lotus stalk and left arm is in the varada mudra.
vii) LINTEL: The architrave above the door jamb measuring 1.65 mtrs is carved with the eight grahas seated in padmasana. Ketu is absent in architrave.
viii) BUILDING MATERIAL: It is made up off light grey sand stone.
x) STYLE: kalingana.
xi) Special features: The graha architrave is carved with eight grahas and the lintel and jambs are profusely carved with scrollworks. However line drawing of various motifs on architectural members suggest that the temple was not complete.
xii) STATE OF PRESERVATION: After renovation temple is in a good state of preservation except for the cracks in the roof leaking rain water in to the sanctum.
xiii) Condition description:
Signs of distress: Growth of the vegetation on the structure and water seepage into the sanctum from the roof
Structural problems: The superstructure above the bada needs to be properly sealed.
Repairs and Maintenance: Orissa State Archaeology repaired this temple during the X & XI Finance Commission Award.
Xiv) Threats to the property: The temple has collapsed; renovation has been made up to the bada portion.
1. Water Activities: The water percolating into the sanctum from the roof needs
to check by repairing the renovated roof.400
2. Growth of Vegetation: The growth of vegetation on the structure needs to be
cleared and prevented.
3. Detached and loose sculptures: Three detached sculptures are kept in the left side of the vimana. One is broken amlaka, a do-pichha simha and four armed Siva holding attributes like dambru in his lower left and trident in lower right arm seating in padmasana. The other two arms are broken.
XV) Date of Documentation: 19 / 09 / 200
XVI) DOCUMENTER: Dr. Sadasiba & Team.
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