Syrian territories

Syrian territories refers to territories de-jure belonging to the Ba'athist Syrian Arab Republic but only partially controlled by it de-facto, with large portions of territories overtaken by various factions during the Syrian Civil War, including the Syrian opposition, Islamist Ahrar al-Sham, the North Syria Federation, the Tahrir al-Sham Emirate, the terror group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and the Turkish military and their proxy militias.
Timeline of control
As of October 2017: the Syrian Arab Republic held 55,7% of Syrian territories; SDF-held territory constituted 27.4%; 13.7% controlled by rebel groups (including HTS); 3.17% held by ISIL
As of 5 August 2018: the Syrian Arab Republic held 60.7% of Syrian territories; SDF-held territory constituted 27.6%; 9.7% was controlled by rebel groups (including HTS) and occupied by Turkey; and 2% was held by ISIL
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