
Swagghop- (Genre of music) Started in the Midwest by Bishop B (now known as Bishop Swagghop). It is a combination of various styles of music to create an entirely new one. Swagghop has strong influences of east coast Hip Hop, with southern trap music and even some R&B along with its own unique flow. The Swagghop movement is underway and thousands of fans throughout the Midwest and the entire nation are joining in. This new style is quickly becoming one of the most popular around.
How it was Born: Bishop B was watching 106&Park then heard Nas say Hip Hop is Dead and a lot of other rapper’s saying the same thang blaming the youth of killing Hip Hop… so a month later he had a dream, and in that dream a child “SWAGGHOP” was born Hip Hop’s son. So, Bishop woke up that morning and googled it. Nothing came up so that’s how he came up with “SWAGGHOP” Then he thought about 2pac’s “One Nation” theroy & thought this could be the rebirth of his idea what he tried to do before he passed. So, Bishop B said Imma be Bishop Swagghop which he played “Bishop” in juice and there he was reborn. So his definition of SWAGGHOP is---Hip Hop was Born in New York. Gangsta Rap was born in Cali. Chopped & Screwed was born in the South. So, introducing "SWAGGHOP" was born in the Midwest. Which is a gumbo of all music even R&B, Rock & Roll and Soul, ”SWAGGHOP” is the next generation in
References: http://www.reverbnation.com/mrswagghop
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