Swabian nationalism

Swabian nationalism is the nationalism that asserts that Swabians are a nation and promotes the cultural unity of Swabians.
Swabian nationalism grew during World War I after 1916, when the government of Baden attempted to secede and make a separate peace with the Allies, however this was put down by Prussian soldiers of the German Army. and by October 1918 with defeat of Germany looming, a wave of Swabian separatism soared across Württemberg and Baden with anti-Prussian rioting occurring. In November 1918, revolution spread across Germany, with the monarchs of Baden and Württemberg being overthrown.<ref name"JamesMinahan" /> During this period France provided support to Swabian separatists as a means to break-up Germany that was viewed as a serious threat to French security in retrospect to World War I.<ref name="JamesMinahan" />
The Swabian nationalist movement opposed continued Prussian dominance in the Weimar Republic.<ref name"JamesMinahan_a" /> Swabian nationalists were further persecuted in Nazi Germany.<ref name"JamesMinahan" />
After World War II, Swabians voted in favour of merging Baden and Württemberg together into the state of Baden-Württemberg, which has been regarded as a Swabian state.<ref name"JamesMinahan" /> In the present day, Swabians have pressed for autonomy and a greater say in the European Union and Swabian nationalists have cited the medieval Swabian League as an ideal model for a sovereign Swabia within a united Europe.<ref name"JamesMinahan" />
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