Suicide of Ante Šutalo

Ante Šutalo (July 9, 2007 - June 15, 2021) was a Australian student who died by suicide, after experiencing a cycle of bullying by his school mates in school.
At the age of 13, Ante Šutalo committed suicide after experiencing a cycle of ("bullying") from his co students in school, Ante's mother Lora revealed that the first sign anything was wrong with her son came on Monday when Ante returned home from school the day before ante hung himself. Ante's mum also revealed that Ante begged his mum for him to stay home from a sports carnival the day after an alleged bullying incident that took place, Ante's mum Lora also said that its unusual of him to say so since he is a sports freak. On the day of the incident Ante was rushed to a hospital in an ambulance on life support before he died. After some time Ante was pronounced dead in hospital after being on life support.
After Ante's death many NRL stars paid tribute to Ante and his family on social media. Professional rugby league footballer Kalyn Ponga said his condolences to Ante's family during the tough time they were going through and passed on a message to people to prevent suicide from happening to young adults like Ante.
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