SUI Simple Unique IDs

Simple Unique Identities or SUI are a suite of generated compatible 20 character long unique identity codes that are offered as a free service for anyone requiring unique codes for items, filenames, e-books, articles, etc.,.

The identity code consist of an IP net address and two GMT/UTC time-stamps produced using serially generated bit flags to allow for the production of 16 unique indentity codes per second on servers and websites.

Locally generated ID codes (LUI software) can generate as many codes as fast as the users CPU is capable of processing using multiple AUIs and CUIs as resources.

Servers and websites generate use a single cgi script to produce an identity code, servers using their own IP address and Websites using the IP address of the user requesting the CUI. Both these can be used as identity codes, they can also be used to produce on the users own machine that simply takes the first GMT/UTC time-stamps and substitutes the local machine's GMT/UTC time-stamps thus producing a new unique identity.

CGI scripts are available for free by Server and Website owners to provide the service. PNG and SVG versions of SUI Logos also are freely available to use in conjunction with the scripts.

SUI was designed by Les Moull of Lestec. First released in January 2008. The indentity code is rendered in a version of base32 ("a-z" "2-7" case interchangeable).


Working Examples - Create some ID codes
Anonymous Unique ID code generation (AUI)

Client Unique ID codes generation (CUI)

Summary of SUI Subsystems: AUI, CUI and LUI codes
Three methods

# Server owners can provide an anonymous service, providing a code that does not conatin any request information, only the IP address of the server itself - AUI Anonymous Unique IDs.
# Website owners can provide a request based code service, providing a code that conatins the IP address information of the "client" making the request - CUI Client Unique IDs.
# User generated identities employ either a AUI or a CUI (previously obtained), to produce a new unique identity code, via utility software and interpreted scripts languages on their own machine - LUI Locally-Generated Unique IDs.


* Are actually universally unique and only 20 characters long.

* Can be rendered in upper or lowercase without changing their value (adapted base32).

* Are based on IP V4 (32 bit) and GMT/UTC time-stamps (no random factoring used).

* Can be extended to use IP V6 (128 bit), though this will produce longer, but compatible, identity codes - future proofed design.

* It is simple to use, easy to understand and not limited to any special software - browsers, scripts and utility software can access the service, it is based on HTTP/net CGI - the scripts are small and freely available.

* Requires only a small CGI script to be placed on servers and websites.

* Literally endless generation of unique codes by users on own their machines using tails via CUIs and AUIs. Use of multiple tails allows for fast generation of codes.

* The identity codes are written in reverse, in order to maximise the randomising effect of starting characters, two requests having the same IP component coming within seconds of one another will always differ in their initial characters.

* AUIs and CUIs can be used for free now, without any extra software.

Restrictions, Warnings and Potential Problems

* ONLY ONE AUI CGI SCRIPT CAN BE RUN ON A SINGLE SERVER IP ADDRESS - otherwise there is a chance of two identical codes being produced. AUI CGI scripts are at this primary stage it is restricted and not for general release.
** At the moment all AUI requests are being directed to the Lestec site, as the system is being checked and potential traffic loads are being estimated. The free server version will be released soon however.

* In order to avoid excessive length and complexity of the unique codes, each request is processed serially, and only 16 requests per second can be processed (AUIs and CUIs).
** Multiple CUI CGI scripts are possible on the one website, but this has not yet been developed, it is suggested that potential service providers use, for the time being, only a single CGI script on their site.

* There is no round-robin system as yet to redirect trafic more evenly across server AUI services.
** No blocking mechanism for repeated requests from the same client has been developed as yet.
** The SUI system was designed on the assumptions that users will manufacture most of their unique identity codes on their own machine as LUIs.
** It was never intended that each and every unique identities code needs to be produced by net requests, if it became popular this may create an overload problem. Blokcking repeated requests is not considered a major technical difficulty.

* LUI utilities will be developed, but at this time things are limited - third party contributions will be welcomed.
** LUI creation depends on the local machine on keeping GMT/UTC time reasonably accurately. If net connected it is recommended that utilities check the time (this is always safe).
** When not connected, if the clock time falls behind the issuing AUI or CUI stamp it is possible repeat an ID.
** The solution is to not use the original AUI or CUI at all but store it as resource, assuming the machine can be relied upon to keep consequative time sequence, even if it is out of sync with real time.
** It is very important not to use LUIs to produce LUIs for the chances of duplication exists. Users and utility designers must show due care in handling the different ID types.

* Issues dealing with listings of service providers either in the wiki or some other repository have not yet been implemented. It is strongly suggested that anyone using AUI or CUI CGI scripts keep in touch with this wiki so that when a simple system is devised they may be included.

ID Examples of SUI Variations
Example of generated code:

Acceptable forms and extensions (plain, suffixed, prefixed and combined, for the three types of SUIs):

Plain: bkblbfakqkyjibruwawl
Suffixed: bkblbfakqkyjibruwawl.AUI
Prefixed: AUI.bkblbfakqkyjibruwawl
Combined: AUI.bkblbfakqkyjibruwawl.AUI

Plain: bhjlbfaj2kyjidydpkl4
Suffixed: bhjlbfaj2kyjidydpkl4.CUI
Prefixed: CUI.bhjlbfaj2kyjidydpkl4
Combined: CUI.bhjlbfaj2kyjidydpkl4.CUI

LOCALLY-GENERATED UNIQUE IDENTITY LUI (requires AUI or CUI on which to operate)
Plain: 3hhtiezcqkyjidydpkl4
Suffixed: 3hhtiezcqkyjidydpkl4.LUI
Prefixed: LUI.3hhtiezcqkyjidydpkl4
Combined: LUI.3hhtiezcqkyjidydpkl4.LUI

Standard delivery output (combined code top line, three blank lines, followed by support information):


WIKI : http://en. .org/wiki/SUI_Simple_Unique_IDs
Generate another CUI :
Copyright (c) LesTec Pty Ltd 2008. All Rights Reserved.


WIKI : http://en. .org/wiki/SUI_Simple_Unique_IDs
Generate another CUI :
Copyright (c) LesTec Pty Ltd 2008. All Rights Reserved.

All variations of SUI (AUI, CUI & LUI) are the same Unique Identity codes. The difference is how and where they are created, not in how they are finally used.

It is intended, that users request a number of AUIs and CUIs and use these to produce LUIs as they require. LUIs are at the moment restricted to producing an ID code per second, the reason is the simplicity of coding LUI utilities, especially for scripting for interpreted languages and integrating this service into software packages. Using a list of AUIs and CUIs simulataneously is capable of producing as many LUIs at whatever speed is required.

AUI Anonymous Unique IDs
CUI Client Unique IDs
LUI Locally-generated Unique IDs

Free Software
For Server Owners
For the moment the server version (AUI) is operating from until we are satisfied that it has all the functionality needed and have some means of estimating traffic problems. It should be released soon for Server owners.

For Web Site Owners
CUI.cgi will be released in a matter of days for anyone owning a website to add as a service.

For Users
The SUIcodes should be immediately useful to those requiring only an occassional identity. In the next few weeks both a few free and commercial packages will be made available. Code snippets, useful scripts etc.,. will be added. However, anyone wishing to contribute is welcome, or if anyone wants to make themseleves a LUI engine the specifictions section should make clear what is involved.

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