Sugar Free (Miniseries)

Sugar Free is a Bangladeshi comedy drama limited series written by Adnan Mukit and directed by RB Pritom. The cast includes Mostafizur Noor Imran, Tapas Kumar Mridha, Sabila Noor and Tamim Mridha. The series consists of 4 episodes. Saiduzzaman Sohel edited the series. While Shohag Chowdhury served as the cinematographer and Tinu Rashid of Studio58 as the composer. It released on Chorki on 18 November 2021.
* Mostafizur Noor Imran
* Tapas Kumar Mridha
* Sabila Noor
* Tamim Mridha
* Milon Bhattacharyya
On 14 November 2021, the motion poster of Sugar Free was unveiled. On 17 November 2021, The trailer of the series unveiled on social media. It aired on 18 November 2021 on Chorki.
Sugar Free received plaudits for its acting and direction but was criticized for its story. Afzalur Ferdous Rimon of SKmediaBD praised the acting of the cast and the direction of the series.
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