
SubViewer is a utility for adding and synchronizing subtitles to video content. It was created by David Dolinski in 1999, and offered for download on his personal website, . A friend of David Dolinski (alias Brain) created, at the same time, software to extract subtitles from DVD named SubRip.
SubViewer became popular when support for it was included in the DivX media player. On August 28 2008, YouTube included support for SubViewer and SubRip, allowing existing videos to be retroactively subtitled.
Technical Information
The SubViewer program contains a text editor and an embedded Microsoft ActiveX Media Player to help coordinate the captions.
SubViewer uses text files with the .sub extension to describe timing and titling data. Alternate languages or intents (e.g. "signs only", "version 1.0 compatible") can be included by creating a separate .sub file for each case.
A header section, identified by <code></code> tags, contains metadata and rendering instructions. Immediately following is a <code></code> section, consisting of comma-delimited time ranges (accurate to one hundredth of a second) and a caption to be displayed during each range:
Hello guys... please sit down...
M. Franklin,are you crazy?
Version 2 of the file format allows line breaks of the form <code></code> to be entered.
SubViewer can read many other subtitle formats, like SMI (SAMI) (Microsoft), JacoSub, MicroDVD, SRT (SubRip), Sub Station Alpha and DVDSubtitle.
SubViewer can also read musics with a synchronized subtitle, like a Karaoke software.
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