Strong inference plus

Strong inference plus is a model of scientific inquiry developed by Don L. Jewett. It is an extension of
Strong inference.

Strong inference plus
Strong inference plus has three phases:
# the exploratory phase
# the pilot phase
# the hypotheses-testing phase (note the plural).

; The exploratory phase: factors that influence success are unclear, so research must proceed based upon hunches, serendipitous observations, and selections based upon inadequate information. When the Exploratory Phase provides reasonably reliable observations, the research enters the Pilot Phase.
;The pilot phase: a small number of experiments – usually 6–8 – are replicated under replicable experimental conditions. The Pilot Phase is the experiential test of the Exploratory Phase. With success in the Pilot Phase, the project moves into the Hypotheses-Testing Phase. None of the experimental data from the Exploratory and Pilot Phases can be re-used in the Hypotheses-Testing Phase, in order to avoid statistical bias of the testing in the Hypotheses-Testing Phase.
; The hypotheses-testing phase: uses Strong inference:
# Identify a scientifically-interesting observation-- this is the reliable observation provided by the Pilot Phase.
# Enumerate all alternative hypotheses that can account for the observation, based on present knowledge. Note that the number of alternative hypotheses is not infinite-- the number is limited by Present Scientific Knowledge as practiced by Scientists here and now.
# Reject hypotheses by experimental observations until a single hypothesis remains that has survived an experimental test by which it could have been rejected. The remaining hypothesis is the “currently held view” of the “cause” of the observation.

To the laity, the remaining hypothesis is "truth,” but the scientist knows that this currently-held view can change if new hypotheses arise from new knowledge. If that happens, then the new hypotheses must be tested and rejected, in order to determine whether the "currently held view" needs to be changed.

Relationship between Strong inference and Strong inference plus
* Strong inference and Strong inference plus both use the method of "Multiple Hypotheses", rather than basing research upon a single hypothesis.
* Strong inference plus addresses the need for creating the critical seed observation(s) upon which one can base alternative hypotheses. Strong inference does not.
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