Street Artist Movie

This is an ethnographic documentary series addressing such issues as loneliness, poverty, rules to play by, community support, survival and the universal circumstances that could beset anyone of us. For a period of two years, filmmaker and producer, Mary Anne Benner followed and documented the lives of six street artists in Portland, Oregon. This entire series follows the lives of six street artists who were connected by their economic hardships, and their common experiences of living off their music and art on the street.
Movies in the Series
Artful Journey of Life is a true story of hope and courage in the midst of despair.
Artbeat of the City
Various Locations throughout the United States
Ailgif Studios
Filmmaker and Producer: Mary Anne Benner
Official Street Artists Movie Website Links:
Official Documentary Site
Artful Journey of Life Facebook Fanpage
'Artbeat of the City Facebook Fanpage
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