Strategy Defense (series)

Strategy Defense is a series of Flash browser-based strategy games created by Belugerin Studios. There are currently 13 games in the series, however many of the latter titles are not widely hosted on third-party websites.
These games are Strategy Defense 1-6, Strategy Defense 3.5, Strategy 7-8, Strategy Defense Tactic, Strategy Defense 9-11.
Strategy Defense 1
The first Strategy Defense game, released in 2007, revolves around a turn-based style of gameplay in which the main character, who is controlled by the player, moves first and has the option to move and attack, heal, etc., after which all of the enemy troops will make their moves. The goal in most missions is to defeat all enemies.
The game focuses on two kingdoms: Doven Kingdom and Dogfire Kingdom.
Opening Text:
Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms, Doven and Dogfire. Dogfire Kingdom expanded their territory and destroyed all of the villages of the Doven Kingdom. Most of the Doven Kingdom Army was killed and the King of Doven, named Fayla, ran into the Dark Forest, powerless and without soldiers or guards to protect him. His wife, children, and the Doven General were all imprisoned at the Icegreen Island.
But Fayla was not hopeless. There was one last warrior, named , from the Doven Kingdom who had intelligence, strength, and many talents. King Fayla ordered to find and rescue his family and destroy all enemies of the Land of Doven.
Chapter 1: Clear the Village
The first set of missions takes place in the Dark Forest.
* Mission 1
* Mission 2
* Mission 3
* Mission 4
* Mission 5
* Mission 6
Chapter 2: Dogfire Forces
The second set of missions takes place in the Rock Village.
* Mission 7
* Mission 8
* Mission 9
* Mission 10
* Mission 11
* Mission 12
* Mission 13
Chapter 3: Tower Defence
The third set of missions takes place in the Iceberg Village.
* Mission 14
* Mission 15
* Mission 16
* Mission 17
* Mission 18
* Mission 19
Chapter 4: Battle On The Sea
The fourth set of missions takes place at the Port Village & in the Blue Deep Sea.
* Mission 20
* Mission 21
* Mission 22
* Mission 23 [Helicopter!!]
Strategy Defense 2
The second Strategy Defense game was released in 2007. It focuses on three kingdoms: Doven Kingdom, Eagle White Kingdom, and Black Horse Kingdom.
Opening Text:
3 years later, after the invasion of the Dogfire Kingdom by the Doven Kingdom. There are now 3 kingdoms. Black Horse Kingdom, led by a bad king named King Dark Anger; Eagle White Kingdom, led by a magician king named King White Angel; and Doven Kingdom, led by a wise king named King Fayla. Doven Kingdom was attacked by Black Horse aircraft (a helicopter and a jet). Black Horse aircraft destroyed some buildings and killed the civilians of the Doven Kingdom. The Tower Defense of Doven Kingdom could destroy the enemies, but then the Doven Ministry (named Arthur Douglas) was kidnapped. King Fayla was very angry and ordered his General () to get revenge. is assisted by Arthur Douglas's son, Harry Douglas, who wants to rescue his father.
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