Stories of Bengali Hindus

Stories of Bengali Hindus is a volunteer collaborative formed by descendants of Hindu survivors of genocide from East Bengal. The group is known for advocating for the human rights of Bengali Hindus having roots in East Bengal and suffering persecution and human rights abuse. They also make content on Bengali Hindu culture and traditions.
On 1 December 2021, its founder Dr. Sandeep Das announced that their Twitter account [ @storiesofBHs] has been banned in the microblogging site, citing reasons such as "ban evasion".
* They have contributed in the movement of recognizing the 1971 genocide as a Bengali Hindu Genocide. The Hindu American Foundation have recognised this group as a contributor in the commemoration of 1971 Bengali Hindu Genocide.
* They have extensively made short documentaries on the 1971 genocide and the ethnic cleansings in East Bengal.
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