Stones to Abbigale

Stones to Abbigale (2015) is the debut novel written by internet personality Onision. It follows the life of a high school student named James Patrick as he finds his first love and deals with the aftermath of a school shooting.
The book is noted for being self published without a professional editing process, leaving it with a number of grammatical and formatting errors.
Plot Summary
James Patrick is an outcast teenager who attends a poor American high school with his only friend, Davis. James is frequently bullied and gets into fights with larger kids who beat him up. One day he is paired up for a project with a classmate named Abbigale (Abby). James is instantly smitten with her, though she rebukes him at first. When she opens up about her mother's death and the abuse she suffers at the hands of her father, it draws them closer together until they form a relationship.
After beginning to date Abby, James arrives at school to hear gunfire and screams from inside. Rather than run, he goes inside to try and find Abby. At first he moves through the school using his roller blades, but removes them when the floor becomes too sticky with blood, opting to go barefoot. He cuts his feet on broken glass, noting in narration that it makes him feel like John McClane. When he comes across the shooter he sees that it is Seth, Abby's ex-boyfriend. Seth is attacked and disarmed by Jason, a student who had formerly bullied James. James finds Abby and comforts her.
Abby moves in with James and his family after her father is arrested for assaulting James in a drunken rampage. James' mother and sister then move out to live with his mother's boyfriend.
The United States President, who remains nameless throughout the book, visits their school to give a speech decrying gun violence and calling for stricter firearm laws. James asks him how he deals with criticism from others, to which the president tells him that he cannot control the actions of others, only his own. James finds this reassuring.
Abby shows James all the self harm scars covering her body to show him how she's broken and not good enough for him, only for him to shrug it off. They then have sex. At school the next day, Jason sexually harasses Abby by grabbing her buttocks in class. This enrages James, causing him to beat up Jason and three of his friends in the school parking lot.
While driving down the highway, Davis witnesses a man attempt suicide by jumping off a bridge and gets out of the car to save him. He is hit by a car and dies. James grieves him for a time until, at his funeral, Davis' mother reassures James that the accident was not his fault and that he is a good person.
Some of their classmates believe Abby is responsible for the shooting because their guidance counselor shouts at her that it was her fault. The counselor hates Abby because she is anti-abortion and believes she had one. (In reality she became pregnant after being raped, but Seth forced her to miscarry by punching her in the stomach.) This outburst causes her to be fired.
Abby confesses to James that before the school shooting, she wrote some letters to Seth saying that she wished everyone would "disappear." At first James is put off by this knowledge but after calming down he tells Abby she did nothing wrong.
A pair of teachers approach James to convince him to run for school president, which he is uninterested in.
The guidance counselor then burns down the school and is arrested. The book ends with James cracking a joke about how he won't be running for school president.
Stones to Abbigale has been universally panned by critics, with multiple long YouTube videos being made to mock and/or critique it. It has commonly been described as wish fulfillment for Onision. KrimsonRogue called it "nihilistic cringe" and gave it a score of "Total cancer out of five." As of January 13, 2021, it has an average rating of 2.03 stars (out of a possible score of 5) on goodreads.
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