Stoker: Battle of the damned

Stoker: Battle of the Damned is an upcoming British student/short horror movie. The film was written and directed by student Paul Welsh and stars John McGuire and Gregor Thomas.
Brian and David, friends their whole lives, decide to visit Stoker, a town they haven't visited in years. After arriving they come to realize that it is now abandoned. After their stuff goes missing, they encounter a werewolf and a large, unidentifiable monster.
John McGuire as Brian
Gregor Thomas as David
Paul Welsh as The Werewolf
Neil Mcnicol as The Monster
David the Barman as himself
Robert Welsh as The Taxi Driver
Jack Richardson as
According to Paul Welsh he came up with the idea was originally about a schizophrenic boy who believed he was a werewolf. A rare case of Clinical Lycanthropy. It was going under the name "The Massacre". During his time at John Wheatley College Paul attempted to get the film off the ground; every attempt failing. He eventually moved to Cumbernauld College to study Television. He renamed the film to be "Wolf Town Massacre" and rewrote the plot to now have werewolves in existence. The name changed again to "Stoker," but to avoid people thinking this is a spin-off of the Hollywood motion picture under the same name, the film was sub-titled "Battle of the Damned."
Filming began on April 10th and finished on the 15th. The film went through three camera men, Stuart McConville, Neil Mcnicol and Paul's Younger brother Callum. During one of the days several actors were no-shows and caused Paul to rewrite the script on set. Vampires were meant to be making an appearance although, due to the no-shows, there are no vampires in the film. Jack Richardson eventually showed up and played an unknown part at this time.
The film is expected to be released in May 2013.
Stand For All have supported this film since day one and will have one of their songs featured in the film. Several songs have been taken from Kevin Macleod.
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