Star Breach

Star Breach is a sci-fi tabletop skirmish game, designed by Elijah Kellogg and published by Slow Death Games. It is setting- and miniature-agnostic, and thus can be played with miniatures that are of 28mm / 32mm scale. It supports 2 to 6 players, although the latest Hunters expansion allows for solitaire play.
Both the free and deluxe versions of the game come with several scenarios that support up to 6-player battles. Each player chooses one of twenty unique warbands and starts off with a number of universal credits (UC). Players draft army rosters from their chosen warbands by buying soldiers, skills, weaponry and items with UC. Soldiers have six main attributes: Movement (M), Initiative (I), Health (H), Armor (A), and Cost; a soldier's ability to hit or dodge something is governed by his Initiative value.
Star Breach is turn-based but utilises an order system similar to . Each player has a number of order dice corresponding to the number of soldiers he has in his army. Order dice are pooled and randomly drawn one at a time, so that a player may take a turn more than once in succession. An order die is used to execute orders for a chosen model, including actions such as 'Cover Fire' and 'Mend'. Specialist soldiers may also perform special actions such as 'Focus Fire'.
A battle typically ends when one or more conditions of the scenario are met. Players then tally up the total amount of UC earned, either through the objectives they have completed or the enemy soldiers that were eliminated.
Star Breach was formerly known as Starfall, before its name was changed in 2018. It had a limited hardcover run in 2019. Following that, it was picked up by Slow Death Games and published as a softcover book through a successful Kickstarter campaign.
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