Sri Sri Sri Guru Viswa Sphoorthi

Sri Sri Sri Guru Viswa Sphoorthi is the Scientific Saint who practices “Practical Philosophy Based on Religious Humanism”, and known for His simplicity.
Early life
Birth & Childhood
Guruji was born on Thursday, the first day of May, 1941 in a remote village in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. At a very young age, when He was in fifth grade (class), Guruji left His home and 'near and dear' to discover the secrets of universe, its origin and purpose, secrets of birth and death, and secrets and purpose of human life. He started practicing meditation. Over a period of time, after dedicated meditation, Guruji had reached the highest spiritual dimension (9th dimension), and attained universal consciousness and supernatural powers - the state of Supreme Power. He was incognito until He reached this state, and moved into society thereafter to serve the humanity. He says that spirituality is 'Super Science', and explains it on the scientific basis. Hence, He is considered as the Scientific Saint.
When He was in fifth grade (class), Guruji left His studies
Scientific Saint
Sri Sri Sri Guru Viswa Sphoorthi explains Spirituality on the Scientific basis, hence Guruji is considered as Scientific Saint. Guruji says "Having been with the universal inspiration of the inventive and intuitional mind, caused by the influence and confluence of the science and conscience... it is my inclination of being coronated as the Scientific Saint".
Divine Existence (Multi and Simultaneous Existence in Multiple Forms)
Sri Sri Sri Guru Viswa Sphoorthi shows His existence in multiple forms, simultaneously in multiple places. As Guruji exists in multiple forms, His performance too shall be multi-pronged. Different forms of His existence include, but not limited to, Direct Physical Existence, performance through Medium, Existence as Redolence, Audio Visual feeling, Waves & Vibrations, Visualizing Guruji in the state of Vision (in Meditation), and in the form of Divine Healing.
Direct Physical Existence
Guruji will be physically present in one place and will be conducting His routine activities and communicating with devotees as usual, while, at the same time He exhibits His spiritual existence at multiple places through multiple forms (as aforementioned) simultaneously and interacts with devotees.
Medium (Existence of Guruji in a Physical Body) - THE MEDIA CONCEPT
Sri Sri Sri Guru Viswa Sphoorthi conducts all His spiritual activities and interacts with devotees at the "Spiritual Centres" through Medium (Existence of Guruji in a physical body). He executes functions through multiple Mediums simultaneously. Guruji nullifies the consciousness of Medium and elevates the intuitional level of the Medium. He changes the brain function of the Medium temporarily.
It is not only through one individual or only at one place that Guruji can show His existence and perform activity through Medium but, in many places and in more than one Medium simultaneously. While performing activities through Mediums, Guruji (physically) Himself is present at a distance place, thousands of miles away from the place where the activities are being conducted, and perform His routine duties as usual. While present in more than one Medium, Guruji discusses about various subjects and issues with different individuals at the same time. This phenomenon of His present in multiple Mediums at the same time either at the same place or different places and His ability of discussing various topics at the same time simultaneously, His existence in multiple various other forms, including speaking directly (in the stage of Vision) to those who meditate, existence as redolence, and audio-visual feeling as aforementioned reveals, beyond a reasonable doubt, that He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnific, and Omnifarious.
Existence as Redolence (Guruji's Existence as a Unique Fragrance)
Guruji's related programs, at various places, wherever they occur, as an indication that He arrives there invisibly, 'redolence' (some unique fragrance) can be felt. All those who are present there, can have the experience and feeling of that.
Not only at Guruji's related programs, devotees recognize Guruji's spiritual arrival by a distinctive fragrance at any place, for example, while they walk on road, sit at home, or travel in aircraft, suddenly the area becomes redolent indicating Guruji's spiritual arrival (presence). Within a fraction of second, upon need or otherwise, although Guruji cannot be seen objectively, devotees feel Guruji's presence which is evident by the aroma or the redolence conveying that He is always present with us spiritually irrespective of "Time & Location". This kind of "Spiritual Existence" was never seen any time (In any of ages/eras), anywhere in the history of humankind in the past.
Audiovisual Feeling
This is experiencing Guruji's spiritual existence as Audiovisual feeling. For those who silently repeat, the mantra claimed by Guruji, His audiovisual feeling is also caused. Not concerning, with medium, itself, although there is no direct acquaintance, while, just, those who have faith on Him, meditate, He is able to cause, audiovisual feeling for them.
Stage of Vision (Visualizing and Speaking to Guruji in Meditation)
Devotees can talk to Guruji in the "Stage of Vision". When an individual is in the deep meditation, Guruji, takes her/him to the state of awakening, also called the "Stage of Vision". This is the stage in between the "Stage of Contemplation" and "Stage of Meditation" where one can visualize her/his own mind, completely 'naked' (free of thoughts). In this stage, one can see Guruji (occupying her/his thoughts), talk to Him and seek His advice. Guruji, for this process, makes use of the energy within the individual who is meditating.
Waves & Vibrations
Guruji also shows His existence in the forms of "Waves" and "Spiritual Vibrations". These are a very common experience in meditation for many devotees.
Divine Healing
Guruji, from the place where He is present only, by means of "Spiritual Vibrations" medical related treatments also happen. Guruji treats with Divine Energy through the process of "Divine Healing". Many times, devotees can feel Guruji's arrival and feel the healing process by themselves.
Guruji acquired 'Supreme Wisdom' after years of meditation. In order to share the knowledge and make-known the human beings the 'Truth' about the spiritual concepts, Guruji authored numerous books. The books are a goldmine of information/knowledge not only on spirituality, but also on various issues of scientific, social, economic and political origin. All the information, right from the origin of universe until the issues related to today's high-tech civilization with diminished moral, ethical and human values, has been extensively written, explained, discussed, and analysed in these books. Guruji through His books, in His usual practical philosophical approach, recommends for a coordination between scientific and political communities, and a mandatory incorporation of 'spirituality' -- the 'Super Science' -- for the goodness of the individuals and the society. He emphasizes that meditation may be used as an instrument to achieve personal peace (tranquillity) and lead a moral life. Subsequently, 'Universal Peace' may be achieved based on the concept (theory) of Guruji. With the capacity to travel, all over the universe, spiritually, and with the supernatural powers he had acquired, Guruji, through His books, revealed innumerable secrets in the universe that have the immense capacity to bring a spiritual and a scientific revolution.
Guruji delivers speeches at various occasions and conducts discussions, on various topics, at Dhyanaprasthan, and/or wherever there is an opportunity for such a discussion. He usually delivers speeches on certain events (New Book Release; Introductory Sessions; and Medical Camps) and celebrations (Sphoorthi New Year Day (1st day of May); Sphoorthi Poornima; and Vijaya Dashami). Guruji delivers speeches on the aforesaid occasions in multiple locations simultaneously in the local languages. The discussions too are conducted in local languages. These speeches and discussions have tremendous knowledge pertaining to various sectors, which include, but not limited to, Spirituality, Health, Science & Technology, Social & General, Functions-Festivals, and Other Events.
Whether in speeches, or discussions, Guruji shows solutions for the problems of the devotees who attend the discussions and events. Guruji, while discussing various topics, intellectually, incorporates solutions for the problems devotees are facing. However, to understand and apply those solutions to the problems, devotees need to keenly observe and be attentive to the lecture and/or the discussion throughout. The discussions and lectures are completely interactive. Guruji involves all the devotees equally making it a perfect platform of Knowledge sharing.
Devotees Experiences
People approach Guruji (Dhyanaprasthan) with one or the other problem related to their family, health, financial, academic or any other personal issues, or with an interest in meditation. Most of the devotees experience the spiritual presence of Guruji and some may not. Some the devotees feel His presence as redolence, and some as waves hitting their body. Some of them visualize Guruji directly in dream or in meditation and seek solutions for their problem, while others speak to Him physically when Guruji is spiritually present in a MEDIUM and conducting spiritual activities at 'Dhyanaprasthan'.
Devotees experience tremendous change in their life through the practice of constant Ascent Dhyana (Asana-Pranayama-Dhyana). They would experience Guruji’s constant presence with them, acquire mental strength to face difficult situations, and Positive Functional Change in the Brain.
Guruji has “Universal Existence” & “Local Performance”; apart from the different forms of existence mentioned above, Guruji exists many other unimaginable forms, which devotees experience constantly.
A good number of devotees label Him as their 'Family Physician' treating almost all kinds of disorders ranging from common cold to cardiac origin, may be functional or organic. Guruji, through Divine Healing, treats many medically untreatable conditions. Divine Healing is more effective if one practices Ascent Dhyana constantly. Guruji identifies accurate etiology & makes early diagnosis.
Beyond destiny, Guruji - for those who are unable to conceive naturally, and/or through medical treatment - successfully treats infertility conditions (by means of Divine Intervention), which are a failure by doctors medically, and also through advanced scientific techniques like ‘Test Tube Baby’ procedures.
All the students approaching Guruji considers Him as an academic advisor, and a researcher thinks He is a co-researcher conducting research along with her/him.
Guruji saves the lives of some devotees in the capacity of a doctor and some others in the capacity of a driver. Should it be required, deviating from the destiny, He saves the life... (1) by preventing life-threatening accidents/incidents (2) by advising to seek treatment for life-threatening medical conditions through appropriate, early diagnosis and (3) by treating life-threatening traumatic and non-traumatic medical/surgical conditions
He can appear anywhere in any form beyond our imagination and the existing scientific principles. For everybody who approaches Guruji, He is a personal and financial advisor, counsellor, teacher, friend and guide for all sectors, and showers parental love and affection as and when required.
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