
The Sporkman character was created in 1997 by Christopher Sylvia and Eric J Berry. Currently distributed through Hole In The Ground Productions, the comic follows a little known superhero from Harrisburg as he travels the world fighting evil. The hype took off after a successful appearance at the 2005 Far Point Convention in which the Sporkman costume was awarded many awards. Previously printed with Ka-Blam new issues are found at Indyplanetand Comixpress as Sporkman Site.
There are currently two Sporkman comic books available. The first is titled Sporkman: Conventions. In it the character of Sporkman is at a science fiction convention where he has to save the day. This story was loosely inspired by the positive reaction received when the Sporkman character was first taken public at the Farpoint Convention. There are a lot of parody nods to Star Wars and Star Trek. There's also many cameo background characters within the comic including the creators of Sporkman and several characters from the sci-fi film, Dark Operations, a project on which Eric J Berry worked. In its first print run, this issue also featured a section in the back that included the artist's original sketches of some of the characters and a page on the history of Sporkman's creation. This bonus section will probably not be included in future printings.
The second comic was a short ten page Sporkman adventure called Sporkman to the Rescue. Created as a promotional issue, there was a limited run of only 50 printed though you can still order the comic at Indyplanet. This comic has since been printed as a half-size "ashcan" issue which is used at conventions and other appearances as a free give away item.
There is another comic that has been in the works for awhile called Sporkman Goes to Japan. It promises to be an epic three issue mini series that parodies many anime stereotypes.
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