Spare philosophy is a lean, flexible understanding of subjects and objects in a world. Spare philosophy states that human life is undergoing change. The purpose of Spare philosophy is to provide a spare definition of “human”, as well as to allow for its greatest potential to be of benefit to all during a period of the rapid transition of human life due to open-ended knowledge creation. Spare philosophy states that humans house the intelligence of the universe in a usable way. The only means to access this intelligence of the universe is through Spare philosophy. Otherwise, reified conceptual frameworks make certain scientific and technological advancements impossible. Spare reduces all perception to a view and points and view. Furthermore, Spare philosophy holds that spare intelligence is assimilated at the coincidence of view and points of view, subsuming a reified view and its points of view in Spare intelligence that pervades and supersedes reified intelligence. When this direct seeing of the nature of things as it is occurs, the knowledge that perceives the binary conditioning of the view and points of view, whatever exists, automatically and simultaneously takes place. This pure distinction recognizes the spare truth of both the point of view and the view as they are: indivisible, open, spontaneously present--a great spareness or singularity. The term was coined by Candice O'Denver of the Spare Philosophy and Great Freedom collaboration, an open source philosophy team comprised of participants from around the world. In the Fall 2010 International Journal of Religion, Alex Norman states: "The cunning syncretism of O'Denver, in connecting Eastern ideas and Western idiom, highlights the interface it has with the Western cultural matrix." Moreover, in relation to Kant's critique of Pure Reason, Norman quotes O'Denver’s inversion of Kantian reasoning: "Rather than asking what, in the apparently contingent, is actually necessary, spare philosophy suggests asking what, in the apparently necessary, might be continuous. The focus of our questioning is the continuity of human identity however it may be shaping itself (computational, social, biological, psychological, religious and so forth." The application of Spare philosophy to human life consists of a combinatory pattern of instruction which augments intelligence in humans to the measure of perfect life satisfaction and flourishing according to the Satisfaction With Life Scale and the Flourishing Scale. Spare philosophy advancements in category theory, information processing theory, and cognitive science are utilized to design semantic descriptions for human content data which permit super-strong intelligence augmentation in humans, thus the category 'view' and semantic descriptor 'point of view' describe all human content data. However, Spare points out that without adoption of Spare principles, human progress will be a mash up reified intelligence that cannot see the forest for the trees. Spare philosophy, thus, invites thought and opinion leaders in all fields of knowledge to form a cadre of spare philosophy in application to their work. Interestingly, the application of Spare principles is impossible without first uninstalling reactive reified intelligence and installing spare intelligence, which requires the instinctive capacity to recognize the spare space of being human, which reveals a profound human/universal intelligence capable of perfect life satisfaction, flourishing and the desire to be of benefit to all, as shown in the ongoing Satisfaction With Life Scale and Flourishing Scale studies of Spare philosophy participants. Several million individuals have already become adherents of Spare philosophy through its method of worldwide grassroots organizing via the Internet, telecommunications and face-to-face meetings. Two organizations, Great Freedom and Balanced View, are authorized to teach Spare philosophy.