Solar hot carbon

Solar Hot Carbon (also known as Solar Hot CO2, Solar Methane, SolarCarbon, Carbon Panels, Smoky Solar, etc.) is an somewhat uncommon method for capturing solar energy. It is essentially the same as Solar hot water except that the heat carrying medium is carbon dioxide, methane or smog.


Carbon Dioxide and other green house gases, although invisible in visible light, are very dark or reflective in infrared light, meaning that heat cannot escape as easily through infrared means. As a result, when insulated by a second means, such as vacuum insulation, Solar Hot Carbon Systems can become as much as 95% efficient although such a system has never been built. Green house gases, when not allowed to convey heat through direct means can hold much more heat than water.

Essentially, green house gases are thermal insulators and will prevent infrared heat from getting out as well as heat from getting in.
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