In the fictional Warcraft Universe, the Knights of the Silver Hand (often abbreviated to the Silver Hand) is a knightly Order created after the First War by a paladin called Lord Uther Lightbringer.
The former Order, known as the Holy Order of Northshire Clerics, was devastated during the First War when most of their clerics were slain. The apprentice of the aged Archbishop Alonsus Faol, Lord Uther the Lightbringer was so devoted to defeating the Orcs he rebuilt the Order and named it the Knights of the Silver Hand.
Uther Lightbringer founded the order before the Alliance launched the Second War. Paladins were instrumental in winning the war, serving as commanders and an inspiration. They were a tremendous force on the battlefield, cutting the enemy down with a righteous fervor. In recent years, the Knights of the Silver Hand entered a dark period when one of their own, Prince Arthas, turned his back on the order in his dark pursuit of vengeance. He fully embraced the evil he thought he was hunting and with the help of the reluctant Muradin Bronzebeard took the cursed runeblade Frostmourne and was consumed by Ner'zhul in the blasted plains of Northrend and became a death knight in the service of the Scourge. Even after the triumph at Mount Hyjal, the paladins remember Arthas' betrayal. Many paladins feel responsibility for him, because the Holy Light teaches that every person can strengthen other people. Since they were unable to strengthen Arthas, the entire world suffered into darkness.
During the time of the plague in Lordaeron, 15 paladins heard the call of Ner'zhul, offering them great power if they were to travel to Northrend. When in Northrend, they lost themselves to insanity and rage, and found the Lich King. He granted them runeblades, dark armour, and undead warhorses. Lord Perenolde, traitor to the Alliance during the second war, was one of these men, and took the name of Baron Perenolde.
On the other hand, some priests use Arthas as a textbook example of the power of the Holy Light. Arthas is proof of a single person's power to affect the universe in good or evil ways. The remaining knights hunt Arthas' servants, the undead, with a ruthlessness that frightens some, but they are determined to fix their mistakes.
In recent years (World of Warcraft), the Knights of the Silver Hand seems to have been reformed in two areas. The southern human kingdom of Stormwind has seen a rebirth of the Order. Based out of the Cathedral of Light, the new Order is led by Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker and Archbishop Benedictus. In the northern Plaguelands that once comprised the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Order has been reformed by Lord Tirion Fordring and his cadre of Knights. Fordring has allied himself directly with the Argent Dawn, and is focused on driving back the Scourge in the area.