Sidhu pura

It is an important populated area in Faisal abad city.It is situated at 3 km in the north west of city on Small Estate Road behind the University of Agriculture,Allied Hospital and Punjab Medical college.Most of the people belongs to Manj Rajput family, which were migerated in 1947 from the famous village Andlu of Ludhiana district India to Pakistan.The other main families are Rehmani and Gujjar.There is one Govt. middle school for boys and one High school for Girls.A few private schools are also there.The stand of best bus service of Pakistan Daewoo is also near Allied is divided into three union councles (188,189,190).The related populated areas of Sidhu pura are Green view colony, Akbar abad, Lasani garden, Sitara Spna city, Abbas nagar, Rasheed abad, Sulemania colony, Madina abad, Rasool pura, Bismillah town and Faiz abad(a big power looms area of the city).
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