
Sicketts is a sport created on March 9, 2009. It started as a creative way to waste time, then it grew to a school-wide status. Sicketts begins with two teams of 3 players. Each team has a goalie (or Gatekeeper) and two regular players (or sickers). The playing field looks similar to a regulation basketball court but with the key feature of a padded matt at each end, about 5 feet long and about 4 feet high, and is placed on the wall with a 6 inch gap from the floor. Each Sicker and Gatekeeper is epuiped with a tennis racket of sorts and if desired, a face mask for bonus protection. The object of the Sicketts is to take a tennis-type ball and, using the racket (or sickle), propell the ball into the matt guarded by the Gatekeeper, however there is a limitation to how close the Sicker can get to the goal, about 22 feet or further, before a goal can be attempted. Sickers can only move while possesing the ball (or Sicklett) when the Sicker is bouncing the Sicklett on his Sickle. Gatekeepers can use the hands to pick up the sicklett and toss it to a team member. Teams are awarded 6 points for each goal scored by the Sicker, however if a goal is scored by the Gatekeeper, then an additional 2 points will be added to the aforementioned 6.
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