
ShoutAmerica is a non-profit organization focused on sustainable healthcare reform, headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee.
SHOUTAmerica was founded in 2008, with the support of R. Clayton McWhorter, a healthcare executive and former chairman of Hospital Corporation of America.
The organization formally launched in October 2008, with the SHOUTAmerica Healthcare Leadership Conference. The conference brought together student government leaders from colleges and universities around the nation to Nashville, Tennessee to discuss healthcare and its impact on the nation. Student leaders interacted with a healthcare leaders including Senator Bob Corker, a co-sponsor of "The Healthy Americans Act"; U.S. Representative Jim Cooper, a Rhodes Scholar and Congressman from Tennessee; Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a special advisor to the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget for health policy and a former member of President Clinton's Health Care Task Force and author of Healthcare Guaranteed; and Stephanie Kennan, a healthcare policy expert and author of "The Healthy Americans Act."
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