
is a branch of the martial arts. Its principle is based upon the techniques. The Shindekai was first pioneered and introduced by Hamid Soltani in 2008. Currently, is in Hamburg. The Shindekai are two Japanese words combined in one the 'Shinden' means the 'Ancestors' and “Kai” means the unity and harmony. Ultimately the Shindekai meaning is the harmony between the old and new Science. This style of martial art is from branches of the Kyokushin.
The logo of the Shindekai Is in a shape of a mountain inside a circle meaning the martial art seekers must struggle with all their power to overcome all the hardships to reach the mountain's summit. In the middle of the smaller circle, is a fist, that is symbolizes the unity and power of all the martial art seekers. The Kata participants compete in 2 styles of practicality and Demonstration. In the Kumite division, the participants compete in 3 styles of Karate, Kickboxing and Grappling.
Instinctively, every human being reacts to any action. For example, If a car or an object approaches a person, naturally that person changer his/her course to avoid to the impact. This natural reaction is known as Sabaki. Of course, this reaction is different from person to person, depending on their mental and physical conditions. Sabaki is used in a daily life in most sports. In Shindenkai, for reaching the ultimate condition and performing Sabaki, the special trainings are done. Where the martial art seeker improves their response time to any reactions. Acquiring the special trainings in different circumstances, enable the martial arts seekers to enhance their skills and become victorious in various challenges most of the times. In this training, they are designed to avoid one on one confrontations. Using Sabaki technique, the fighter positions himself/herself better from the line of offense into a blind spot. The blind spot is the most ideal position for all fighters to perform any kind of techniques. The Sabaki was founded by Hideyuki Ashihara in 1980 and transferred to Middle East by Hamid Soltani in 1994. From the first generations of the Kyokushin. Nowadays there are a lot of Sabaki style techniques used in the martial arts.
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