Shaun Walker

Shaun Walker was briefly the Chairman of the National Alliance, a White Nationalist organization from April 2005 to July 2006.
Walker grew up in California. He served in the Marine Corps and was honorably discharged.
White nationalism
He was appointed Unit Coordinator (UC) for the Salt Lake City Unit in April 2000 by Pierce. In September 2002 he was appointed as the Western States Regional Coordinator by Erich Gliebe, new chairman of the National Alliance. In June 2003, he moved to West Virginia and was appointed Chief Operating Officer and in April 2005, Chief Executive Officer of National Vanguard Books and Chairman of the Board for the National Alliance at the "National Office" near Hillsboro, West Virginia.
Media and communications
Walker attended the Red, White and Blue festival in England hosted by the British National Party in 2003. He also traveled to Russia and Greece in 2004 where he spoke to neo-fascist political group Golden Dawn.
He has written articles for Tom Metzger's WAR newspaper, Instauration, the Bay Aryan, Liberty Bell, National Vanguard magazine, Resistance magazine and Free Speech newspaper.
Arrest, conviction and release
In 2007, Walker along with two other men were found guilty by a federal court on charges of conspiracy to interfere with civil rights in the beating of a Mexican-American man in 2002 and an American Indian man in 2003 outside Salt Lake City. Walker was initially sentenced to 87 months in prison, but it was shortened to 37 months by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that "ruled there was insufficient evidence to prove the victim of one of the attacks endured serious bodily injury as claimed by prosecutors."
Walker was released from prison on November 27, 2009.
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