Seyedeh Tina Sadri

Seyedeh Tina Sadri () is an Iranian-American Licensed Psychotherapist, Mental Health Advocate, Author. Sadri uses her platform to speak on important Mental Health topics on her YouTube and Social Media blog. She sits on different philanthropy boards, one of them being the Board of Choc Children's Gala.
Early Life
Tina Sadri was born in Tehran, Iran and migrated to the United Sates with her family when she was 10 years old. She graduated from the Uni High Highschool in 2004 followed by graduating from University of Irvine, Ca in 2004. Soon after she attended and completed her Masters in Marraige and Family from the university of Alliant International University. She obtained her License from the Board of Behavioral Sciences by completing the 3000 clinical hours required followed by successfully passing two Board Exams.
Tina has been working as a Licensed Therapist since 2010. She has been running a private Practice in Newport Beach, Ca. She treats a variety of different issues pertaining to Mental Health including but not limited to depression, anxiety, personality disorders, family system's issues, divorce, adolescent behavioral issues and ect.
Tina is the Author of the well recognized book called #Obsession; Freeing yourself from Social Media Disorder. She decided to write this book when she noticed a trend of sadness, anxiety, depression and cyber bullying resulting from the use of Social Media. The book is a manual for readers to learn to use social media in their advantage rather than get abused by it.
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