Seven Feasts of Israel

The Seven Feasts of Israel are also known as "The Jewish Feasts", the Seven "Appointed Times", and "The Feasts of the Lord", or more specifically "The Feasts of YHVH".
The subject of the Seven Feasts of Israel was opened up in recent times by Zola Levitt, a Messianic Jewish scholar and television broadcaster. His booklet, "The Seven Feasts of Israel" was published in the 1980s and catapulted the subject into Christian discussion of End Time themes. Zola Levitt's book is still in print and available on several online sources. This subject is now beginning to be heavily researched and discussed. A word search on Google, Google video, or YouTube of the key phrase "Seven Feasts of Israel" reveals a growing interest in this important subject. As the Seven Feasts are laid out on the Hebrew calendar the three Spring Feasts reveal the past High Priestly Ministry of Messiah as the Lamb of God or the Suffering Servant and the three Fall Feasts reveal the coming Kingdom or Millennial Rule of Messiah.
The middle Summer Feast of Pentecost bridges the past and future work of Messiah through the auspices of the Ruach Hadesh or Holy Spirit. Pentecost also shows us that the birthday of Israel on the 7th of Sivan, (the day when Moses brought the Torah down from Mount Sinai), is also the birthday of the Church. The Day of Pentecost came into its New Covenant fulfillment fifty days out from the Firstfruits of Passover in the Passion Year. Some in Christian and Messianic circles believe that the two leavened loaves waved at Pentecost show the God of Israel's regard and His dealings with both the Jewish and Christian companies in their present leavened and unrefined state.
So an understanding of the Seven Feasts of Israel brings peace between the Christian religious house, (which lifts up God's Grace), and the Jewish religious house upholding God's righteous rule and Law. Both companies are brought together into unity under Messiah. When He comes into the hearts of men to do His inner work and when He returns, (or comes), to this earth in the Revelation to do His manifest work He is presented in the pages of the Holy Bible as the "Prince of Peace".
The Seven Appointed Times are more than quaint Jewish feasts for religious reverie. They appear to be waypoints on the long journey of the covenant people of the God of Abraham. They are seven blockbuster days that erupt into holy history in spectacular fashion. Four of these feasts have already been fulfilled. Three have yet to unfold. As such the Seven Appointed Times will wrap up the history of this age going beyond the completion of the Great Commission and the restoration of the nation of Israel to actually showcase the healing of the Breach of Jeroboam, a longstanding feud now extant between the Church and Israel. The Seven Feasts of Israel demonstrate how this Apocalyptic fulfillment in Grace and Shalom will come about tying together these two major Biblical themes and divine purposes in some very wonderful and surprising ways.
Zola Levitt "The Seven Feasts of Israel"
YouTube Videos
* Pastor Carl Gallups The Seven Feasts of Israel and Jesus
* Gavin Finley MD, The Seven Feasts of Israel
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