SDF-2 Megaroad-01

The SDF-2 Megaroad-01 is a fictional spacecraft from the Macross series. It was first featured in the OVA title The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012, a 30-minute Music Video production released on June 21 in 1987 in Japan. It was designed by Mechanical Designer Kazutaka Miyatake.
Fictional History
In the fictional setting of Macross, the SDF-2 Megaroad-01 was initially slated to be the second space battleship, but went on to become the first long-distance Megaroad-class colony ship. This pre-production name was written as a deliberate wordplay on "Megaroad" (a long journey through space) and "Megaload" (a massive cargo in the form of a civilian city). After the first Macross series went into production, an additional wordplay, "Megalord," was considered for the second super dimension fortress before the name SDF-2 Megaroad-01 was finalized. There were plans for a splashy ending to the original Macross series, one that would have shown Misa Hayase and Hikaru Ichijyo blasting off in the SDF-2 ship, but the sequence was scrapped due to lack of time and budget. Due to fan demand this sequence was later used in the Macross Flashback 2012 OVA (1987). Samples of the early Megalord design by Kazutaka Miyatake were also included in his Macross and Orguss Design Works reference book from 2005.
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