Scorpion (Marvel Comics)

The Scorpion is the name of multiple characters in Marvel Comics, almost all of them supervillains. The best known incarnation is Mac Gargan, who is typically an enemy of the superhero Spider-Man.
Publication history
The monster version of the Scorpion first appeared in Journey into Mystery #82 (July 1962).
The Sam Scorpio version first appeared in Kid Colt, Outlaw #115 (March 1964) and was a Wild West villain who fought Kid Colt.
The Mac Gargan version was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Gargan first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #19 (December 1964) and first appeared as the Scorpion in Amazing Spider-Man #20 (January 1965). Years later, he became the third incarnation of Venom in Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #10 (March 2005) and impersonated Spider-Man in Dark Avengers #1 (March 2009). Mac Gargan appeared in the character's first own four-issue limited series, Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man. The comic was released in June 2009 and was written by Brian Reed, with art by Chris Bachalo. Writer Dan Slott has stated that Mac Gargan will return as the original Scorpion, in an upcoming arc of The Amazing Spider-Man.
The Jim Evans version of the Scorpion first appeared in Rawhide Kid #57 (April 1967) and was a Wild West villain who fought the Rawhide Kid.
The Elaine Coll version of the character first appeared in Spider-Man: The Power of Terror #2 (Feb. 1995) and was created by Gregory Wright and Darick Robertson.
Carmilla Black first appeared in Amazing Fantasy (vol. 2) #7 (June 2005).
Fictional character biography
Monster Scorpion
The first Scorpion was seen as a giant monster. During an experiment with a bismuth isotope, Paul Rodgers accidentally struck a normal scorpion with a stream of delta particles. It was mutated into a giant monstrous form and gained the consciousness to hate the human race. It told Paul Rodgers and Edward Bentley that it would mutate another bunch of scorpions and take over the world. Edward managed to hypnotize the Scorpion into thinking that it was feeling the pains from the radiation poisoning. When the Scorpion begged for Paul and Edward to end its life, they complied and killed the Scorpion by firing another stream of delta particles at it.
Sam Scorpio
Sam Scorpio is an inventor who used his "sting" (a derringer fitted to a silencer on his forearm) to terrorize the Old West. Scorpion later encountered Kid Colt while running from a 50-man posse and begged for his help. Kid Colt refused until an earthquake occurred and they hid under a boulder. By the time Kid Colt and Scorpion emerged, the posse caught up to them and they were taken to prison. While in jail, Scorpion used his "sting" on a guard. Upon grabbing the guard's keys, Scorpion forced Kid Colt to accompany him. He took Kid Colt to a hideout in the hills and wanted Kid Colt to join him. When Kid Colt asked about the secret of his "sting," Scorpion turned on him. Kid Colt shot out the lamp for cover from Scorpion's sting and Scorpion fled where he told the posse where they can find Kid Colt. Afterwards, Scorpion set up a gang where he kept them in line with his "sting." Kid Colt went after Scorpion's gang upon figuring out what his gimmick was. Kid Colt defeated Scorpion's gang and defeated Scorpion in hand-to-hand combat before he could use his "sting." Kid Colt then turned Scorpion and his gang over to the authorities.
Scorpion was imprisoned in a State Prison where he was part of a chain gang with Dr. Danger and Bull Barton. When Kid Colt ended up in the same prison after turning himself over to the law, Scorpion, Dr. Danger, and Bull Barton decided that this was the opportunity for revenge. One day, they attacked Kid Colt in unison while on work detail. When a prison guard intervened, they took his gun, overpowered the guard, and broke their chains. Then they grazed Kid Colt with another bullet and fled. Across the border, Scorpion, Dr. Danger, and Bull Barton came across a town where Fred Yates (the man that Kid Colt turned himself over to) lived. When Scorpion, Dr. Danger, and Bull Barton confronted Fred Yates and his sister Susan, Fred fled in sheer terror. Kid Colt caught up to the trio, disarmed them, and saved Susan. Kid Colt then sent Scorpion, Dr. Danger, and Bull Barton back over the border to the waiting arms of the law.
Mac Gargan
Mac Gargan first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #19 and was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. He was a private investigator who was hired by J. Jonah Jameson to find out how Peter Parker was able to obtain photos of Spider-Man. When Spider-Man evaded Gargan, J. Jonah Jameson decided to use Gargan as a test subject for an experiment done by Farley Stillwell which led to Gargan becoming the Scorpion in order to defeat Spider-Man. Many years later, Gargan becomes a host for the Venom symbiote. After the Venom symbiote was removed from him in the aftermath of the Siege storyline, Gargan was sprung from the Raft by Alistair Smythe and outfitted with a new Scorpion costume.
Jim Evans
Jim Evans is a successful apothecary in Dustville during the Old West. He began to date Sarah (the prettiest girl in town) until she began to neglect him upon stating that she already has a boyfriend in Matt Cody. Matt Cody was not pleased that Sarah went out with Jim and challenged him to a shootout. Jim drew his gun first and only managed to wing Matt in the left arm as Matt managed to shoot Jim's gun out of his hand. Matt then made Jim dance with his gun. Jim was humiliated and vowed revenge. Upon inventing a liquid paralytic that he can fire no matter where he would hit them, Jim took on the identity of Scorpion and embarked on a crime spree. Scorpion managed to hold up a stagecoach and the sound of his gun attracted the attention of Rawhide Kid. Rawhide Kid managed to tackle Scorpion who hit Rawhide Kid with a paralytic pellet and continued to rob the stagecoach where he made off with the payroll. Upon questioning the nearby town about Scorpion, Rawhide Kid learned that there had been an apothecary who had been around for four months which allowed Rawhide Kid to determine his identity. Rawhide Kid followed Jim to an abandoned mine, watched him change into Scorpion, and then confronted him. Their fight collapsed the mine and Rawhide Kid fell into an underground stream. Rawhide Kid recovered and went after Scorpion again. When Scorpion fired the paralytic pellet again, Rawhide Kid twisted Scorpion's wrist causing Scorpion to get hit by his own paralytic pellet. Rawhide Kid then turned Scorpion over to Dustville's sheriff.
After six months in jail, Jim Evans managed to mix up a small amount of his stun potion in the prison workshop. He used it on a guard, grabbed his keys, and escaped from jail. Taking on the alias of Sting-Ray, Jim Evans went on another crime spree until he arrived in Bison Bend and decided to settle there as the base of his ultimate destiny as the Emperor of the West. Sting-Ray robbed a bunch of people at Bison Bend's square dance. Clay Riley and Sheriff Ben Brooks tried to stop him, but ended up victims of his stun pellets. Sting-Ray later kidnapped Sheriff Ben Brooks' daughter Natalie holding her hostage until he got the power he demanded. However, he was foiled by Phantom Rider who attacked Sting-Ray. Phantom Rider managed to defeat Sting-Ray and unmasked him after he was distracted by Natalie's shouting. The sheriff and his men arrived and chased after Phantom Rider.
Elaine Coll
Elaine Coll is recruited by Silvermane from a mental hospital to become the new Scorpion. She opts to call herself Scorpia instead and is given robotic armor which enhanced her strength and speed by 500 percent. Scorpia successfully brings Deathlok to Silvermane and is ordered to ambush Spider-Man and Daredevil, who had infiltrated their base. She wears them down but is then betrayed by Silvermane, who shoots her in the back. Scorpia follows Spider-Man and Daredevil to Silvermane's location and immediately attacks him. Mainframe, another of Silvermane's mercenaries, takes control of Scorpia's cybernetic enhancements and uses her to attack Spider-Man. However, she soon regained mobility and blasted Silvermane. An explosion created by The Punisher knocked Scorpia off the building they were on, but a mentally conflicted Deathlok saved her. She then decided to flee the area rather than be put in prison.
Scorpia then joins the new Sinister Six (though there were seven members total). The team's main purpose was to stop Kaine from killing any more of Spider-Man's enemies. When Kaine disguised himself as Spider-Man and attacked Hobgoblin, Scorpia immediately joined the others in the battle. However, they were not accustomed to working together, much to Scorpia's disdain. Spider-Man eventually entered the battle and was able to defeat Scorpia. She also participated in another battle against Spider-Man with some of her former allies and new ones such as Boomerang and . She was defeated when Spider-Man threw Jack O'Lantern at her.
Much later, Scorpia fights Spider-Man and Black Cat, and is defeated when Black Cat rips off her tail. She later reveals that she was hired by Alberto Ortega, the head of a local drug syndicate.
During the "Infinity" storyline, Scorpia appears as one of the female villains in the employ of Caroline Le Fay. She helps fight off Thanos' forces and later battles the Fearless Defenders. Scorpia remained in Le Fay's employ afterward, acting as one of her bodyguards during a meeting with the Mercs for Money.
During the "Hunted" storyline, Scorpia is among the animal-themed characters that were captured by Taskmaster and for Kraven the Hunter's Great Hunt, which is sponsored by Arcade's company Arcade Industries. She was seen at a gathering held by Vulture. She was later freed when Kraven the Hunter told Arcade to lower the force field around Central Park.
Scorpia appears as a member of a female incarnation of the Sinister Syndicate. She states to Francine Frye that she heard about her frying the original Electro and stealing his schtick. The Sinister Syndicate begins its mission where they attack the F.E.A.S.T. building that Boomerang is volunteering at. Beetle leads the Sinister Syndicate in attacking Boomerang. It was stated by Boomerang that he was the one who came up with the Sinister Syndicate name. After getting Aunt May to safety, Peter Parker changes into Spider-Man and helps Boomerang fight the Syndicate. The Syndicate starts doing their formation attack until Spider-Man accidentally sets off Boomerang's gaserang which knocks out Spider-Man enough for the Syndicate to make off with Boomerang. As Beetle has Electro write a proposal on how the Syndicate can use Boomerang as an example to the criminal underworld, Beetle leaves while calling Wilson Fisk that they caught Boomerang, as she is given the information on where the exchange can happen. Scorpia later mentioned to the Syndicate members that Rhino once refused to arm wrestle her. When Beetle returns to the headquarters, Scorpia is present when Mayor Wilson Fisk brings the full force of New York City to their headquarters, demanding that they surrender Boomerang to him. The Syndicate then assists Spider-Man against Mayor Fisk's forces. After Spider-Man evacuates Boomerang, the Syndicate fights Mayor Fisk's forces while not killing them. The Syndicate is defeated and arrested by the police. Their transport is then attacked by an unknown assailant who frees them.
Scorpia's cybernetic suit provides superhuman physical attributes derived from that of Scorpion. It can also project energy blasts and emit a micro-thin force field.
Carmilla Black
Carmilla Black first appeared in Amazing Fantasy (vol. 2) #7 and was created by Fred Van Lente and Leonard Kirk. She became a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to find her mother.
Other versions
Ultimate Marvel
The first Ultimate Marvel incarnation of Scorpion is one of Peter Parker's clones. Dressed like a scorpion and attacking the mall, he was revealed to be a mentally unstable clone that was fitted into a green armored suit. This clone additionally had a mechanical tail grafted onto his spine that had the ability to shoot acid. The clone was eventually subdued by Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and taken to the Fantastic Four who eventually gave it to S.H.I.E.L.D. At the end of the clone saga storyline, Nick Fury tells subordinates menacingly to "get to work" while walking out of the room the clone is being held in.
A second version of Scorpion was Maximus Gargan, a tattooed Mexican mob boss that worked with the Prowler (Aaron Davis). This Gargan is the second villain to take on the alias of Scorpion. He is shown to have very resistant skin, but may have other powers as well. Once he arrived at New York, Gargan set his sights on becoming the new "Kingpin of New York", but was stopped by the efforts of an un-easy alliance of Spider-Man and Prowler.
Marvel 2099
Kron Stone appears in the Timestorm 2009-2099 as the alternate Marvel 2099 reality version of Scorpion. Kron Stone was one of Miguel O'Hara's nightmares during high school, a bully used to do whatever he wanted thanks to the influence of his father Tyler Stone ready to solve any trouble the son caused. One evening, Kron was tormenting the lab animals in an Alchemax laboratory, using the powerful instruments found there. While toying with a gene splicer, Stone was attacked by a sudden surge of energy, resulting in an explosion, and his DNA was fused with that of a lab scorpion. The incident transformed Stone in a hulkling and monstrous beast, with his reason lost and the powerful instinct of an arachnid to guide him. Rejected by his father, he becomes obsessed with finding a way to reverse his mutation.
Jefferson Davis takes on the Scorpion name in Earth-65. He wears an electrically charged suit, carries a scorpion-themed staff and possesses some limited super-speed. Jefferson works for the organization S.I.L.K. and fought Spider-Gwen (on behalf of Matt Murdock), Silk, and Spider-Woman.
In other media
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appears in the 1960s Spider-Man animated series, voiced by Carl Banas.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appears in Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, voiced by Neil Ross.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appears in Spider-Man: The Animated Series, voiced initially by Martin Landau and later by Richard Moll.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion was set to appear on The Spectacular Spider-Man before it was cancelled.
* A variation of Scorpion appears in Ultimate Spider-Man, initially voiced by Dante Basco and subsequently by Eric Bauza. This version is a composite character with elements of Iron Fist villain Steel Serpent. Furthermore, he initially wields a kusarigama resembling a scorpion tail and wears an outfit resembling the Mortal Kombat character who shares his name. In his debut episode "Journey of the Iron Fist", Scorpion is set to compete against the eponymous character for K'un-L'un's throne. Beforehand, the former travels to New York and poisons his opponent in an attempt to improve his chances. As a result, Iron Fist is forced to appoint Spider-Man as his replacement. During the competition, the web-slinger deduces Scorpion's plan and saves him from a trap that he fell into due to his greed. Scorpion wins the challenge, but Spider-Man is named the winner for selflessness. Enraged, Scorpion tries to attack Iron Fist, but is swiftly defeated and exiled from K'un-Lun by the Elder Monk. In "Return of the Sinister Six", Scorpion joins the eponymous group and receives high-tech armor, but is eventually defeated by Spider-Man. Following a minor appearance in "Agent Venom" as a host of the Venom symbiote, Scorpion makes minor, non-speaking appearances in "New Warriors" and "Contest of Champions" Pt. 1. Scorpion returns in the two-part series finale "Graduation Day", as part of the Superior Sinister Six with a new set of armor that allows him to turn invisible. Despite this, he is eventually defeated by Spider-Man once more.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appears in ' animated series, voiced by Jason Spisak.
* Mac Gargan appears in Spider-Man: Homecoming, portrayed by Michael Mando.
* An unnamed, Hispanic version of Scorpion appears in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, voiced by Joaquín Cosio. This version is loosely based on the Ultimate iteration and is depicted as a cybernetically-enhanced gangster resembling a scorpion man working under the Kingpin.
Video games
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in the 1990 The Amazing Spider-Man video game.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared in Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared in Spider-Man: The Video Game.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a sub-boss in the 1995 Spider-Man video game.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in the Japan-exclusive Super Famicom game Spider-Man: Lethal Foes.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in the Neversoft Spider-Man video game, voiced by Daran Norris. He also makes a brief appearance in the game's sequel, Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in the 2002 Spider-Man film tie-in game, voiced by Mike McColl.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, voiced by Beau Weaver.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in the Spider-Man 3 film tie-in game, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss and playable character in Spider-Man: Friend or Foe, voiced by Fred Tatasciore.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, voiced by Jim Cummings.
* The Kron Stone incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a boss in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, voiced by John Kassir. He steals a fragment of the Tablet of Order and Chaos for Doctor Octopus in exchange for restoring his human form. The fragment also empowers him, allowing Scorpion to lay eggs and create offspring that share his deadly abilities. Despite this, Spider-Man 2099 is able to defeat him.
* A variation of Scorpion appeared in the 2012 The Amazing Spider-Man video game. This version is a scorpion-human hybrid created by Oscorp physicist Otto Octavius, who used Dr. Curt Connors' cross-species research to infuse a black fat-tailed scorpion with human DNA and "black goo".
** As of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Kraven the Hunter hunted and killed the Scorpion cross-species off-screen before turning it into a mounted trophy.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared as a playable character in Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2.
* The Mac Gargan incarnation of Scorpion appeared in the 2018 Spider-Man video game, voiced again by Jason Spisak.
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