
Schedulix a free and open-source job scheduler that is technically identical to the BICsuite BASIC workload automation system developed by independIT Integrative Technologies. With schedulix, the user is able to define and execute complex, cross-system routines with an arbitrary number of sequential and parallel processes in a heterogeneous network. Taking into account resource utilisation and availability, dependencies and priorities, schedulix starts all the programs required to run these workflows as timely as possible. schedulix provide a single point of control for definition and monitoring of background executions in a heterogeneous distributed network.
schedulix is to be used everywhere, where operating system processes are to be executed automatically and allows the definition, execution, monitoring and control of hierarchically organized flow definitions of operating system processes in distributed, heterogeneous system environments. Dependency definitions allow to ensure the correct execution order of the processes. The schedulix resource management is used to determine the execution location of processes, load control and load balancing, and synchronization of independently started processes.
The core of Schedulix is a server process implemented entirely in Java, which manages all definitions and process state information via JDBC in an RDBMS. Job server agents on the computers to be automated connect to this server and execute processes on its instructions and report the exit code of these processes back to the scheduling server. schedulix is administered and operated using command line tools or a graphical web interface developed on the basis of Zope. All functions of schedulix can be controlled via APIs.
The commercial variant of Schedulix is the BICsuite Enterprise Job Scheduling System. This offers advanced rights management, export and import functions, and a number of features that facilitate operation in very large system environments.
Schedulix can also be ported with little effort to other POSIX compliant operating system platforms on which Java is available. The operation of schedulix in a heterogeneous Linux, UNIX and Windows environment is possible without additional effort.
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