SAP User-Group Executive Network

The SAP User-Group Executive Network (SUGEN) was established in 2007 to foster the information exchange and best practice sharing among and to coordinate the collaboration with SAP for strategic topics. It is a united network of 12 User Group Communities across six continents.
The mission is to be a powerful, international voice that unites regional in an open, honest dialogue between members and SAP that ultimately drives the market towards excellence, innovation and success.
The charter of SUGEN is to be the Global Network of that will provide a collective view of strategic issues that need to be addressed by SAP.
Core Purpose
The purpose of SUGEN is to create and sustain collaborative bodies that foster the sharing of information, expertise and experience users and SAP cannot find anywhere else. SUGEN will identify strategic priorities and act on programs to advance and apply technology for greatest gain of the SAP customer community. It is fostering international market views including customers’ short and long term demand drivers, major challenges and business imperatives. Furthermore, SUGEN is guideing and inspiring SAP in delivering worldwide aligned support for the mutual benefit of the user communities and SAP.
Main deliverables
As the collective voice of SAP User Groups, SUGEN is the channel to provide SAP with a consolidated view on influence priorities. These can vary from case to case on SAP products, services or anything else from the SAP ecosystem. If applicable, charters are founded to build a task force working on a particular topic for a certain period of time. In these task forces, several members from local user groups and SAP employees engage.
In addition, SUGEN provides a method for communication among User Groups and SAP. New and urgent topics from both sides can be addressed in an open dialog. Thereby, it assures a proper documentation of the priorities.
Furthermore, the user groups who are members of SUGEN share best practices amongst each other and SAP. These best practices can focus on the organization of the groups and different programs that are executed.
Current active SUGEN charters
SAP Enterprise Support Charter
The task of this team is to work in collaboration with SAP to consolidate the voice of the customer on the new SAP support offering called 'SAP Enterprise Support'. Furthermore, it will determine the key areas that need to be addressed and it will develop a plan to address/work with them.
The goal is to have a clear understanding of the value the SAP Enterprise Support offering brings to the SAP customer base and that the SAP Enterprise Support offering is in line with SAP's strategy to reduce the total cost of ownership.
Long Term Product and Strategy Charter
Within this team, SAP customers from the local SAP User Groups and SAP portfolio management are working on a feedback cycle about the planned new functionality of SAP products. To goal is to have a clear planning with incorporated customer feedback and priorities which is gained through a regular dialogue on the product portfolio between SAP and local user groups.
Global Communities
Besides the SUGEN charters, further international communities between the local SAP User Groups are aligned underneath SUGEN. The two current ones are the Globalization Steering Committee and the International Customer Competence Center community.
The former one is aligning the international priorities of local SAP customer who have subsidiaries in other countries and need to stick to the local laws and regulations. The latter one is an international exchange of information between companies that have so called Customer Centers of Expertise (formerly known as "Customer Competence Centers") which are SAP certified support teams in local companies.
SUGEN Member User Groups
* Americas' SAP Users' Group (ASUG)
* ASUG Brazil
* ASUG Mexico
* German speaking SAP User Group (DSAG)
* Japanese SAP User Group (JSUG)
* SAP Australian User Group (SAUG)
* Utilisateurs SAP Francophones (USF)
* Vereniging Nederlandstalige SAP Gebruikers (VNSG)
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