Santadas Kathiababa

Santadas Kathiababa
() (June 10, 1859 - 1935) was a Nimbarka philosopher, Hindu religious guru, Nimbarka Vaishnava and chief mahanta, a spiritual leader and a leading disciple of Sri Sri 108 Ramdas Kathiababa of the Nimbarka Sampradaya
Birth and childhood
The name of Santdas Kathiyababa Maharaj is memorable in Vaishnava society.This sage Kalpa was born in the family of Sambhant Zamindar Brahman Chowdhury in Bamai village of Lakhai upazila haor area of Habiganj district (formerly Sylhet district was then Lankarpur subdivision, then Habiganj subdivision, now Habiganj district). His father's name was Sriharkishore Chowdhury and his mother's name was Srigirijasundari Devi. Advent of Santdasji (born) Friday, June 10, 1859. Jaistha Shukla Dashmi Dussehra Punya Tithi. His father was as energetic a man as Vaishnava. These two qualities of the father had a profound effect on the life of the saint Santadasji Babaji Maharaj. His childhood name was Tarakishore Chowdhury. He had a strong passion for learning from his childhood. Education begins in the village school.
Santadasji's life is charitamrita, childhood leela in Bamai village. The name of Santdasji's former ashram is Tarakishore ChowdhurySantadasji's father, Shri Harkishore Chowdhury Mahasaya, was a vegetarian, a monotonous Vaishnava, Bhagwat Gautam Kshatriya was a Brahmin of the Vedic class. He used to listen to the stories of Ramayana, Mahabharata and Puranas in the face of this grandmother and his love for the scriptures was observed in his childhood. Joy started his education at the age of one.
At the place of Jagannath Ghat, Gangotri, the source of the Ganges, floated in front of him and Har-Parvati, who was present in it, visited himLord Shankara then gave him a monosyllabic seed mantra and by chanting that mantra he would gain Sadguru - with such an assurance they disappeared. Then the scene of that Gomukh Gangotri in the Himalayas also disappeared. He started chanting that seed mantra with great devotion. In search of a good guru, he went on various pilgrimages and gradually he arrived at the Prayag Kumbh Mela with a friend. Although his interview here was with his future Gurudev Sri Sri Kathia Babaji Maharaj, he was skeptical about whether he would take him seriously. He saw some miracles of Sri Sri Kathia Babaji Maharaj but could not be completely without doubt.
In 1935, he consciously set out on a journey. Vrindavan Kathia Baba Ka Sthan Ashram, India.
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