Salvatory L. Mosha

Salvatory Lucas Mosha was the former Managing Director of TANESCO, the energy provider in Tanzania. During Mosha tenure as the Director, Tanesco expanded the national power grid on several fronts. Among others was the opening of 220KV Iringa-Dodoma power transmission line. Engineer Mosha was said to be a dedicated and committed manager.
Engineer Mosha was a proponent of alternative sources of energy such as Songas from Southern East Tanzania. Mosha, together with his colleagues was instrumental in the construction of hydropower plants such as Kidatu, Mtera and Nyumba ya Mungu.
Mosha attain early Education from Kilema Primary School and Makomu Middle School in Moshi, Kilimanjaro. After graduation, he went on to Umbwe Secondary School where he showed interested in electricity and Engineering. Mosha was accepted at East African University to study Mechanical Engineering, where graduate with Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering. To meet the challenges of managing ever growing energy company, Director Mosha attained Masters Education at Harvard Business School.
Engineer Mosha was a devoted Roman Catholic and a church goer. Early in his life, he had to choose whether to attend a Seminary School, where he could learn how to lead a congregation, or learn about his new found love: energy. To fulfill this void, Engineer Mosha instilled Judeo Christian faith to his family at the immaculate .
Posthumous Recognition
Family of Late Mosha was presented an award to congratulate late Mosha's contribution in Engineering and Energy production in Tanzania. In recent times, H.E. President Kikwete cited Engineer Mosha as one of loyal servants of Tanesco. President Kikwete was also the Minister of Water Energy and Minerals during the tenure of Engineer Mosha at Tanesco. Engineer Mosha motto was to serve the company wholeheartedly in order to serve the people of Tanzania.
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