Saints of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

The Gnostic Saints of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica are a series of historical and mythological figures commemorated within Thelema. They were first listed in Liber XV, the Gnostic Mass, which is the central rite of Ordo Templi Orientis and its ecclesiastical arm, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. They are found in the fifth Collect of Liber XV, entitled "The Saints".
All of the Saints listed in the Gnostic Mass are male, and are invoked during the Collect.
Crowley published three different versions of the Gnostic Mass, with three different versions of the Saints' collect. All are considered official by the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, also the annotated Gnostic Mass, first published in Mystery of Mystery by T Apiryon (now Sabazius X primate of EGC for the U.S.A) & T Helena and the revised list of Hymenaeus Beta published by James and Nancy Wasserman, in To Perfect This Feast are considered official for the purposes of public celebrations of Liber XV. The three editions that Crowley published in his lifetime, and which are cited as official, in the EGC's own manual, are: the first publication in The International in 1918; the version published in 1919 in The Equinox v. III n. 1; and the version published in in 1929 in Magick in Theory and Practice.
Modern additions
Since the original list contains the names of four previous Patriarchs of EGC, Gerard Encausse, Carl Kellner, Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley, this has now been taken as a precedent for the addition of the names of succeeding Patriarchs, Karl Germer and Grady McMurtry.
The current Patriarch of EGC, Hymenaeus Beta, has exercised his authority to canonise further Gnostic Saints, and two have been officially added to the original list. William Blake was so recognized in Fall 1997 e.v. based on Crowley's essay "William Blake," which described him as such. Giordano Bruno was added to the list on February 17, 2000 e.v., the 400th anniversary of his martyrdom.
In the Collect, some names are italicised. In ordinary masses only names in italics are usually commemorated, with the full list reserved for special masses.
Full list
The saints of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica has been described as follows:
* Amoun
* Andrea
* Apollonius Tyanæus
* Arthur
* Elias Ashmole
* Francis Bacon Lord Verulam
* Roger Bacon
* Bardesanes
* Basilides
* William Blake
* Roderic Borgia Pope Alexander the Sixth
* Giordano Bruno
* Sir Richard Francis Burton
* Jacob Boehme
* Catullus
* Carolus Magnus and his Paladins
* Sir Aleister Crowley
* Johannes Dee
* Dionysus
* Doctor Gérard Encausse
* Robertus de Fluctibus
* Frederick of Hohenstaufen
* Forlong dux (James George Roche Forlong)
* Ludwig von Fischer,
* Paul Gauguin
* Karl Johannes Germer
* Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
* Heracles
* Hermes
* Hippolytus
* Ulrich von Hutten
* Hargrave Jennings
* Kamuret
* Sir Edward Kelly
* Carl Kellner
* Khem
* Sir Richard Payne Knight
* Krishna
* Laotze
* Alphonse Louis Constant
* Ludovicus Rex Bavariæ
* Michael Maier
* Manes
* Martialis
* Major Grady Louis McMurtry
* Melchizedek
* Mentu
* Merlin
* Jacobus Burgundus Molensis the Martyr
* Molinos
* Mosheh
* Mohammed
* Friedrich Nietzsche
* Odysseus
* Orpheus
* Osiris
* Pan
* Paracelsus
* Parzival
* Paul Gauguin
* Priapus
* Pythagoras
* Rabelais
* Doctor Theodore Reuss
* Christian Rosenkreuz
* Siddhartha
* Simon Magus
* Swinburne
* Tahuti
* To Mega Therion or Therion,
* Valentinus
* Thomas Vaughan
* Richard Wagner
* Adam Weishaupt
* William of Schyren; may be Guillaume du Bellay
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