Rogue Protoss

Theocracy of Rogue Protoss
History has it that the Protoss were orignally created by the Xel'Naga a pantheon of ancient gods. we now know them to have been an advanced race bent of aiding other races to achieve their true potential
The Xel'Naga were initially revered as gods, as the Protoss looked towards their creators with respect and a lust for knowledge. However, as the understanding and personal awareness of the young Protoss grew, they began to place greater pride in individual achievements rather than the benefit of the community.

The tribes began to fear treachery from their masters, and in seeking to sever themselves from the rest of their race, attempted to lose the psychic link that they shared. This dissolved whatever remnants of brotherhood or unity that the Protoss had shared. Feeling that the greatest attribute of the Protoss was lost, the Xel'Naga began withdrawing from Aiur. However, the suspicious Protoss responded with an attack on the Xel'Naga Worldships, which fended off the hasty attack and left the system. The Protoss Tribes then turned against each other, beginning what is now known as the Aeon of Strife, a devastating civil war that lasted hundreds of years.

The war was finally ended by a Protoss named Khas, who had rediscovered the teachings and technology of the Xel’Naga. Using his discoveries, which he called the Khala, he was able to restore the psionic link with most of the Protoss. With this done, he divided the Protoss into three castes; the Judicator Caste (Politicians), the Templar Caste (Warriors), and the Khalai Caste (Workers and Artisans).

The Rogue Tribes
The Dark Templars were exiled from the Protoss homeworld long ago for their refusal to follow the dogma of Khala. Instead, they have wandered the world, learning new ways to channel their formidable martial powers. These beings are enigmatic and distant, but are not the demons some would make them out to be. Indeed, upon learning of the attack on Aiur, the Dark Templars have returned to protect their homeworld and race from the onslaught of the infidels and lesser races. Whether their service will be appreciated by the Protoss hierarchy remains to be seen.

Protoss religion takes its roots from the wars that plagued Aiur following the retreat of the Xel'Naga. United under the teachings of Khas after several generations of warfare, the Protoss began to adhere to Khas's teachings of the "Khala", or Path to Ascension. When Protoss warriors die in battle it is believed that they have reached the "Khala's End."

* Khala ("Path of Ascension"): This is a personal philosophy that emphasizes inner peace and communal brotherhood. It is also reflected in the caste system of the Protoss where all the castes are different but equal and working towards the same goal.
* Dae'Uhl ("Great Stewardship"): This is the official policy that the Protoss developed concerning other races encountered. It is a strict code that above all protects life, while simultaneously mandates an inarguable policy of non-interference with the races they watch over.


The Judicator Caste is primarily responsible for the functions of Protoss government. Their elites meet in the Judicator Assembly, which is headed by the Conclave, a small core of Elders. The lower members of the caste fill most roles for administration and bureaucracy for the Protoss. They tend to be highly organized, deferential to those in authority, and a bit uptight (even among the Protoss).
The higher members of the Judicators are extremely powerful. The elites make decisions in secret and have the power to order Templar forces into battle. As with any bureaucracy, their motives may remain mysterious and are in danger of being corrupted. But most Judicators believe they act to protect the Protoss race and will do any to achieve that goal.
Some of the Judicators have been chosen to crew the powerful Arbiter warships. The Judicators use these vessels to lend their hand to the Templars in times of war and, most likely, to keep a presence of authority over the Templars as they carry out their campaigns.

Protoss citizens are as diverse as any sentient race that actively pursues intellectual growth, domestic harmony and spiritual development. They are scientists, industrialists, teachers, merchants, parents, neighbors. The Protoss have a deep sense of pride, and most believe that they are a superior race, destined for greatness in the world.

United under the disciplines of the Khala, the old Protoss Tribes together strive to protect and advance their species. With the Judicators serving as the ruling caste, the Templars filling military needs, and the Khalai forming the industry and bulk of citizenry, the Protoss society functions with a well-developed efficiency maintained by a rigorous adherence to dogma and conformism.

Ara Tribe
Caste: Judicator
Station: Conclave Praetor Guard
The first to follow the teachings of Khas, the Ara control who will serve upon the elite Conclave Council. Despite its revolutionary origins, the Ara now seems cemented in the dogma of the Khala. It will pursue Protoss protectionism and interests without hesitation.

Akilae Tribe
Caste: Templar
Station: High Templar Command
During the Aeon of Strife, the Akilae warriors brutally dominated the other Protoss castes. With the rise of the Khala, the Akilae learned a new sense of honor and discipline, ceding control to the Judicators and pledging their armed might to protecting all Protoss regardless of Tribe. The Akilae now lead the Protoss forces into any battle against their species’ enemies. The Akilae fight honorably and willingly die to protect Protoss interests.

Shelak Tribe
Caste: Judicator
Station: Librarians, Keepers of the Khaydarin Crystals
The ancestral Shelaks were the closest to the Xel’Naga and retain responsibility for maintaining the remnants of knowledge from that ancient race. Today, the Shelak also study the properties of the Khaydarin Crystals and discover new uses for the Protoss.

Sargas Tribe
Caste: Dark Templar
Station: Enforcers/Assassins
Always fiercely independent and resistant to the imposition of the Khala dogma, the Sargas stand a bit aside from all other Protoss Tribes. Less controlled by the Judicators and less rigid than the Akilae, the Sargas also have a long tradition of skill in the martial and stealthy arts. As such, they have become known as the assassins of the Protoss.

Auriga Tribe
Caste: Templar
Station: Protectors of the Great Fleet
From the Protoss’ infancy, the Auriga have always been the first to construct vessels of exploration and scout into the unknown darkness of the wilds. On Aiur, the Auriga were the first to circumnavigate Aiur, and the first to launch rockets into orbit. Today, the Auriga continue to produce the best pilots and mechanics of the Protoss starships. They are fiercely loyal to the Judicator leadership.

Furinax Tribe
Caste: Khalai
Station: Weaponsmiths and Technologists
Though not warriors, the Furinax are the brilliant engineers and weapons technologists that arm the Protoss military. The Furinax are masters of developing new techniques to merge machines, the Khaydarin Crystals.
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