Robert C. Titzer

Robert C. Titzer, Ph.D., an infant researcher, has been a professor, teacher, or professional speaker on infant learning for around 20 years. Dr. Titzer taught his own children to read as babies using the fun, multi-sensory approach that he developed.
In the late 1980s, Dr. Titzer taught in public schools in Guam and California after earning his teaching credidentials from San Diego State University. Later, Dr. Titzer completed a Master of Science degree from Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in Human Performance from Indiana University, where he worked in development psychology laboratories conducting important theoretical experiments related to infant learning. While a professor at Southeastern Louisiana University, Dr. Titzer's fascinating research on multi-sensory reading during the infant and toddler years captivated the attention of other researchers and the media. Dr. Titzer has also taught at three other Universities:

Penn State, Indiana University, California State University

Dr. Titzer and his family live in San Diego, California, U.S.A., North America.
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