Road signs by the DPWH PH

The Road Safety Design Manual is issued by the Department of Public Works and Highways to establish and maintain standardized safe road design principles and standards for roads in the Philippines.
References used by the Department of Public Works and Highways.<ref name="Road Safety Design Manual" />
# AASHTO - A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2001.
# AASHTO - Roadside Design Guide, 2002.
# U.S. Highway Capacity Manual.
# VicRoads - Road Design Guidelines.
# AUSTROADS - Rural Road Design: A Guide to the Geometric Design of Rural Roads, 2003.
# AUSTROADS - Urban Road Design: A Guide to the Geometric Design of Major Urban Roads, 2002.
# AUSTROADS - Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice, Part 5: Intersections at Grade.
# AUSTROADS - Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice, Part 6: Roundabouts.
If you edit this document - please make sure that your content is verifiable
The official document used for this content are listed below. Stick to the wording and ID information of the DPWH of the Republic of the Philippines and don't make up your own wording. If you have a better document, that's great, use it to update this content but make sure to follow the rules of that it must be verifiable aka state your source! All sentences in this article are quoted from the same source cited under reference 1<ref name="Road Safety Design Manual" />
Thank you
Regulatory Signs
Signs that inform road users of traffic laws and regulations which, if disregarded, will constitute an offense.<ref name="Road Safety Design Manual" />
Priority Signs
Direction Signs
Direction to be Followed
Direction to be Followed (Plate Type)
Other Directional Signs
Prohibitive or Restrictive Signs
No Entry for Specific Type of Road Users
Pedestrian Prohibition Signs
Turning Prohibition Signs
Prohibition of Overtaking Signs
Speed Signs
Parking Signs
No Parking Signs
Restricted Parking and Loading Signs
No Waiting Signs
No Loading and Unloading Signs
No Parking or Stopping Signs
Other Signs
Miscellaneous Signs
Load and Dimension Restriction Signs
Other Miscellaneous Signs
Warning Signs
Warn road users of condition on or adjacent to the road that may be unexpected or hazardous.<ref name="Road Safety Design Manual" />
Horizontal Alignment Signs
Intersection and Junction Signs
Cross Roads
T and Y Junction Signs
Roundabout Ahead Sign
Priority Road Signs
Advance Warning of Traffic Control Devices Signs
Road Width Signs
Road Obstacle Signs
Pedestrian and School Signs
Railway Level Crossing Signs
Supplementary Signs
Other Warning Signs
Guide or information signs
Inform and advise road users of directions, distances, routes, the location of services for road users, and points of interest. <ref name="Road Safety Design Manual" />
Advance Direction Signs
Stack Direction
Diagrammatic Direction
Intersection Direction Signs
Reassurance Direction Signs
Finger Board and Direction Signs for Less Important Roads
Town names and geographical feature signs
Service signs
Tourist information and tourist destination signs
Route marker signs
Asian highway route marker signs
Expressway signs
Expressway approach signs
Expressway information signs
Advance exit signs
Exit direction signs
Expressway service signs
End of expressway signs
Toll signs
Expressway traffic instruction and regulatory signs
Traffic instruction signs
Supplementary signs
Movement instruction signs
Hazard marker signs
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