
Rising dark: The Spirit’s Downfall is an Action Adventure game created by Soul Entertainment. It was first thought of by businessman Endre Deri and artist Joel Sugarman. They enrolled Dominic Berd, a young Multimedia developer, to help them turn their dream into a reality. Not much is known about them at the present. In 2007 work began to achieve one of the most ambitious gaming projects of the century. The question: Can 3 people make a genuine computer game which will go on market all over the world? The answer: They certainly hope so! And so, in early December 2007, was born.

Rising dark: The Spirit’s Downfall is based in a vaguely Victorian time, except that there’s magic and a massive array of monsters. You play as the son of a wealthy nobleman in Human society, out to make your fame. On the way you’ll meet hundreds of people, thousands of monsters and sights which will blow your mind. There are underwater kingdoms, cities in the sky and gods having a drink down the local boozer. In Rising Dark anything is possible, so long as you feel like it.

The game changes to your liking. There are countless choices you can take, giving your character his own unique personality which will build over time. NPC’s will build feelings towards you and everything from the monsters you kill to the weapon you carry will effect gameplay. The storyline changes with every action you take. This is what makes Rising Dark stand out so much form other games of this genre.

Soul Entertainment has just created a site, , which contains information on the game and some concept art, music, basic designs, etc. More is being added on every week so soon we should have a very good idea of what lies in store.

No exact date for release has been announced by Soul Entertainment yet, but it is believed that by 2011 the games construction will be finished and de-bugging will begin.
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